Hungary through the Balassi Institute, the Hungarian Scholarship Board Office offers scholarships for foreign students and lecturers in higher education institutions as well as research fellows who intend to gain further professional experience in Hungarian higher education institutions or research institutes. Scholarships can be applied for in two different ways:
- Work plans and bilateral agreements The Office of the Hungarian Scholarship Board (hereinafter HSB) welcomes applications by citizens of countries (and territories) that have a valid/effective educational work plan with Hungary, or a bilateral agreement signed by the Hungarian Ministry of National Resources and the relevant ministry of the given country (or territory). Dissemination of all information regarding the application procedure and deadlines as well as assessment and shortlisting of applications is conducted by the scholarship authority or the Ministry of Education in the relevant home country (or territory). Applications forwarded by partner scholarship offices shall have a priority. However, applications submitted directly to the HSB Office shall also be accepted in the framework of the Pool system outlined below.
- Scholarship Pool
In 2005 the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Hungary established the ‘Scholarship Pool’ allowing for applications for all HSB scholarship types from the following countries/territories:
Albania, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korean Republic, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, The Netherlands, Norway, Republic of Chile, Republic of the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America.
Citizens of the following countries may only apply through their national scholarship offices, on the basis of bilateral agreements:
Columbia, Yemen, Mongolia, Palestine and Vietnam.
Available scholarships
The following scholarships are available in the academic year 2012-2013:
A - semester/partial studies (3-10 months)
Available for: undergraduate (BA/BSc) and graduate (MA/MSc) students (enrolled at foreign higher education institutions), especially those majoring in Hungarian Language and Literature and students participating in a single degree track university programme (such as General Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmaceutical Studies, Veterinary Studies, Architecture, Studies in Law, etc.). Before application, students are required to have completed minimum two semesters at their home institutions. For ‘Type A’ scholarship students may apply only on one occasion during their Bachelor’s studies, and once during their Master’s studies.
B - postgraduate studies, research (3-21 days or 1-10 months)
Available for: applicants holding a Master’s degree or an equivalent university degree, including PhD students who intend to do research for their dissertation and wish to stay in Hungary for less than 10 months. (However, PhD students cannot earn credits during the scholarship period at the host university.)
C/1 - full PhD programme (36 months)
Only students proficient in Hungarian can apply. The scholarship is conditional upon successful entrance exam / admission to the respective doctoral school.
C/2 - partial PhD studies (10 months)
Applicants must be enrolled in a PhD programme at an accredited higher education institution in their home country or in a foreign country (but not in Hungary).
D - postdoctoral studies, research (1-10 months)
Applicants must hold a PhD or an equivalent degree.
E - research stay (3-21 days or 1-10 months)
Available for associate professors or high-ranking academics as well as researchers holding minimum a PhD or an equivalent degree.
F - summer courses in the summer of 2012 (2-4 weeks)
Only courses published in the list of ‘Summer Courses 2012’ on the HSB website can be selected. You may select three different courses but your scholarship will allow you to participate only in one course.
- Foreign citizens with a residence/immigration permit or in the course of applying for such a permit in Hungary
- Foreign citizens with permanent residence in Hungary
- Foreign citizens employed on a permanent basis as defined by the Hungarian Labour Law
- Students in employment applying for part-time or correspondence study programmes
- Students applying for programmes not financed by the Hungarian State
- Students admitted to higher education host institutions where tuition fee is required.
Scholarships offered by the HSB allow for studies or research in any field of arts or sciences at an accredited Hungarian higher education institution or research institute to be determined in advance.
Semester/partial and postgraduate studies as well as doctoral programmes must be carried out in higher education institutions or research institutes where no tuition fee is required.
For ’type A scholarship’ students may apply only on one occasion in the course of their Bachelor’s studies, and once during their Master’s studies. Type A (semester/partial studies) and type C1/C2 (full PhD and partial PhD studies) scholarships cannot be extended. Type B (postgraduate studies), D (postdoctoral studies, research), and E (research stay) scholarships may be extended exceptionally, only under special circumstances, on one occasion.
HSB scholarships are valid only for studies and research purposes in Hungary. Scholarship-holders must stay in Hungary during the entire period of their studies or research.
Scholarships are awarded for the summer of 2012 or the academic year 2012-2013 and must be completed by 30 June 2013 at the latest.
A list of the national scholarship authorities (‘Foreign Partners’), the list of summer university courses as well as other useful information can be found on the HSB website ( Scholarships are awarded by the Hungarian Minister of National Resources based on the decisions of the Hungarian Scholarship Board. The list of successful applicants for scholarship types A to E is expected to be published on the HSB website by the end of June 2012 and for the summer university courses by the beginning of June 2012. Applicants will be informed of the result in an official letter posted or sent via e-mail. The HSB office shall not accept appeals against the decision.
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