Overview of the Scholarships programmeWithin the programme for international courses and training programmes, CIUF-CUD grants each year 150 scholarships for participation into the courses and 70 for participation into the training programmes.
You will find on this site a list of international courses and training programmes for which there is a possibility of scholarship and, for information purposes, the modalities of introduction of an application as well as the rules of selection in force within the 2013-2014 programme.
Practical information about Belgium is also available on this site.
You will find on this site a list of international courses and training programmes for which there is a possibility of scholarship and, for information purposes, the modalities of introduction of an application as well as the rules of selection in force within the 2013-2014 programme.
Practical information about Belgium is also available on this site.
The following criteria will apply for the selection of holders of scholarships:
The following criteria will apply for the selection of holders of scholarships:
- Only applicants originating in developing countries, qualify for selection. To be eligible, candidates must reside and work in their country at the time of the introduction of the file.
- ONLY the nationals of the following countries are authorized to postulate with our SCHOLARSHIPS : South Africa, Algeria, Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Colombia, Ivory Coast, Cuba, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Guinea, Haïti, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Niger, Uganda, Peru, Philippines, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, El Salvador, Senegal, Suriname, Tanzania, Palestinian territories, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe
- At the beginning of the programme, candidates must be less than 40 years old for courses, and less than 45 years old for training programmes.
- Candidates must be holders of a degree that is comparable to a Belgian University graduate degree ("licence"). However, for certain programmes different rules of admissibility may be defined, and these are specified hereafter, where appropriate.
- Candidates must show professional experience of at least two years upon termination of their studies. Where candidates are holders of a postgraduate degree delivered by an university of an industrial country, they must show professional experience of at least three years upon termination of their studies.
- Candidates must have a good knowledge of written and spoken French; for programmes organised in another language, good knowledge, in writing and speaking, of this language, is required. Moreover, the candidate will be asked to commit himself to study French in order to be able to participate in daily life in Belgium.
- Candidates are not allowed to apply FOR MORE THAN ONE PROGRAMME.

Applicants must not first obtain admission to one of the French-speaking universities of Belgium in order to apply for grants from the CUD.
- Are incomplete
- Are sent by fax or e-mail
- Arrive at CUD beyond the set deadline (indicated on this site)
- Are not provided on the adequate file (downloadable on this site), and in the language in which the programme is provided
- Do not correspond to a programme presented in this site
- Refer to more than one programme
- Are not accompanied by the parts to join obligatorily (copy certified of the diploma,...). Photocopies or documents scanned of the certified copies are NOT accepted
- Do not respect one the criteria of conformity clearly mentioned in the site (certified diploma, age, professional experience,...)
Apply for a grant from the CUD is absolutely FREE. Any application containing an envelope with money will be automatically rejected.
During the selection process between admissible files, CIUF will take account of the following criteria:
The academic curriculum
For courses, priority will be granted to candidates who have not yet obtained a postgraduate degree, save for exceptional circumstances specified in the application file.
The benefit of previous scholarships
Priority will be granted to candidates who have not yet benefited from a scholarship in Belgium.
Professional experience
CIUF grants scholarships as a matter of priority to candidates who, upon termination of their University studies, have had the opportunity of practising a profession in relation to problems of development. The social impact of professional experience constitutes an element of assessment.
Membership of a partner institution
Candidates who are appointed by an institution with which CIUF has concluded a partnership, either within the framework of institutional co-operation or within the framework of an own-initiative programme, will be granted priority in case of equality on the other selection criteria.
The commitment of the candidate to development activities
Special attention will be given to files of candidates who, beyond their academic qualities, have shown commitment to development issues. This commitment may materialise in having worked with the most disadvantaged social categories, and in having tried to define with them the efficient means to defend and promote their interests.
CIUF aims at diversifying the geographic origin of the scholars. It sees to it that in the overall of the international courses and training programmes organised in the framework of its North-Actions programme, candidates origina-ting in sub-saharian Africa represent 50% of the total number of scholars.
Equality of sexes
CIUF grants special attention to the participation of women in the international courses and training programmes organised within the framework of the North-Actions programme.
Perspectives of future reinstatement
Major guarantees are required concerning the return of the candidate to his country of origin or to another developing country, as well as his reinstatement in a profession that enables him to put the training acquired in Belgium at the service of development (e.g. labour contract, formal promise of appointment) and to produce a multiplier effect to the benefit of his country of origin.
The academic curriculum
For courses, priority will be granted to candidates who have not yet obtained a postgraduate degree, save for exceptional circumstances specified in the application file.
The benefit of previous scholarships
Priority will be granted to candidates who have not yet benefited from a scholarship in Belgium.
Professional experience
CIUF grants scholarships as a matter of priority to candidates who, upon termination of their University studies, have had the opportunity of practising a profession in relation to problems of development. The social impact of professional experience constitutes an element of assessment.
Membership of a partner institution
Candidates who are appointed by an institution with which CIUF has concluded a partnership, either within the framework of institutional co-operation or within the framework of an own-initiative programme, will be granted priority in case of equality on the other selection criteria.
The commitment of the candidate to development activities
Special attention will be given to files of candidates who, beyond their academic qualities, have shown commitment to development issues. This commitment may materialise in having worked with the most disadvantaged social categories, and in having tried to define with them the efficient means to defend and promote their interests.
CIUF aims at diversifying the geographic origin of the scholars. It sees to it that in the overall of the international courses and training programmes organised in the framework of its North-Actions programme, candidates origina-ting in sub-saharian Africa represent 50% of the total number of scholars.
Equality of sexes
CIUF grants special attention to the participation of women in the international courses and training programmes organised within the framework of the North-Actions programme.
Perspectives of future reinstatement
Major guarantees are required concerning the return of the candidate to his country of origin or to another developing country, as well as his reinstatement in a profession that enables him to put the training acquired in Belgium at the service of development (e.g. labour contract, formal promise of appointment) and to produce a multiplier effect to the benefit of his country of origin.
- This file can be taken from our web-site.
- It will be carefully completed and returned, ONLY by POST MAIL or EXPRESS MAIL, to CUD, that must be in their possession at the latest by FEBRUARY, 13, 2013* (we do not hold account of the postmark, we take into account only the files arrived in our buildings for the date limits at the latest)
- No acknowledgement of receipt will be provided
- Only applications presented on the appropriate file, and in the language of the programme, will be submitted to the selection committee.
- All elements of the file must be transmitted simultaneously. No complementary file will be admitted at a later stage.
- The candidates selected and of reserve will receive an e-mail at the end of the selections (end of May 2013). The not selected candidates will receive an e-mail in the current of june 2013.
- No document transmitted to CUD will be returned to the candidates.
- No treatment will be given to files that do not respect one of the rules of selection clearly mentioned on the web site (certified diploma, age, professional experience,...).
* before JANUARY, 18 2013 for the following trainings :
- stage à l'Usage des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication dans les Bibliothèques Universitaires
- stage méthodologique en appui à l'innovation en agriculture familiale
For more information, please visit the official website at http://www.cud.be/content/view/339/208/lang,/
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