(ACADEMIC YEAR 2012-2013)
Pre-selection is in progress for foreign students applying for a position in a PhD Program for the Academic Year 2012/13.
The number of positions funded by the University will be established by the Graduate School.
Foreign students wishing to apply for admission to a PhD Program for the Academic Year 2012/13 must submit an application no later than 2 May 2012 using the online form available at the following web address:

- A Curriculum Vitae with details of achieved degree(s), relevant examination results and/or results of degree requirements with assessment and/or grade (i.e., transcript details), and the date of degree achievement.
- A Research Proposal (maximum size of one (1) page on A4 paper)
- A List of Publications
Foreign students are required to provide two recommendation forms & corresponding letters from two university professors either in Italy or abroad. The recommendation form and information about the letter can be found on the Graduate School web page.
Please transmit the scan version of the letters by email directly to the coordinator of the PhD program to which you are applying by 2 May 2012. (Please note, if you are applying to more than one program an original set of letters & forms must be sent to each of the Programs Coordinators). Please, indicate the name of the PhD Program you intend to participate with your full name when presenting the letters.
Candidates whose two letters of recommendation are not received will be excluded from selection.
The list of coordinators and their addresses is available at the Graduate School web page (Section "Documents").
Eligible candidates whose application has passed preliminary screening will be invited to take part in aSkype interview with the Coordinator (or their delegates) of the applicant’s desired program of study.Candidates will be contacted by the PhD coordinator (or their delegates) by email for fixing the Skype interview.
Candidates will also be excluded from the selection process if they fail to disclose in their Curriculum Vitae relevant examination results and/or results of degree requirements with assessment and/or grade (i.e., transcript details), and the date of degree achievement by 2 May 2012.
Candidates will also be excluded if they hold a degree which the Coordinator does not consider equivalent to an Italian degree or equivalent to the Program’s requirements.
Candidates possessing a degree(s) not achieved in Italy will have to submit to the Administration of the Doctoral School a Declaration of Relative Value (or “Dichiarazione di Valore Relativa al Titolo”) within three months of registration. The Declaration is obtainable from the Italian Embassy or Consulate in the country where the degree was completed.
Students who fail to present the Declaration of Relative Value within three months of registration will be excluded from the program.
Pre-selection applications will be evaluated by the Coordinator or by a Committee appointed by the Coordinator of the PhD Program and they will admit candidates deemed suitable.
Application Deadline: May 2, 2012
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