These scholarships are part of the Marsden-funded project, Building Sustainable Peace in the Pacific, initially developed by the late Professor Jacob Bercovitch. This project aims to examine the post-conflict experiences of Pacific states: to understand why peace settlements and negotiations break down and violent conflict resumes: and to consider how best to achieve the foundations of long-lasting justice and reconciliation so as to create sustainable and durable peace. This project will consider a wide range of factors, including the role played by security forces and the judiciary; the role of development aid and economic restructuring; the part played by civil society and democratic institutions in fostering peace; the role of mediation in achieving peace; and the role of international organisations in conflict management.
Successful candidates will work closely with a team of researchers and will be required to integrate their thesis into the larger research project. In turn, successful candidates will be encouraged and supported to publish their work as part of the project, and may be funded for relevant field research.
Three MA scholarships are available for one year beginning in early 2012. Each scholarship carries a stipend of $16,000 plus domestic fees with a total value of $22,000.
Bachelor of Arts with Honours degree in Political Science
Application Process
Your application should include the following: cover letter, curriculum vitae, academic transcript, a writing sample and the names and contact information of two referees familiar with your previous academic work. You may submit a research proposal if you wish; however, do keep in mind that the thesis topic must be integrated into the overall project, and is thus subject to negotiation with project supervisors.
Send your application to:
Jill Dolby
Philosophy and Political Science Department
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch 8140
Send your application to:
Jill Dolby
Philosophy and Political Science Department
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch 8140
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