Tuesday, July 31, 2012

10 Trik Sukses Belajar

Ada yang percaya bahwa kesuksesan adalah takdir. Ada pula yang meyakini bahwa kesuksesan akan datang dengan usaha keras. Kebanyakan, kesuksesan hadir karena adanya usaha pengembangan diri dan disiplin dalam menerapkan kebiasaan belajar yang efektif. Nah, berikut ini adalah 10 tips yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk mencapai kesuksesan belajar!

1.Jangan pernah menumpuk pelajaran dalam satu sesi

Siswa yang berhasil dalam belajar biasanya memiliki periode waktu atau jadwal belajar yang lebih singkat dan efektif. Mereka tidak pernah mencoba belajar dengan "sistem kebut semalam." Jika Anda ingin menjadi siswa yang sukses, maka Anda perlu belajar dengan konsisten. Anda juga harus memiliki waktu yang teratur, meski pun sesi belajar yang lebih pendek.

2. Rencanakan waktu belajar
Siswa yang sukses memiliki jadwal belajar yang spesifik. Mereka akan menyelesaikan tugas studi mereka dan tetap konsisten dengan jadwal yang mereka tulis. Siswa yang belajar dengan cara sporadis dan main-main tidak akan mudah berhasil dibandingkan siswa yang memiliki jadwal belajar.

3. Belajar di waktu yang sama
Selain perencanaan, belajar dengan rutin juga dapat memberikan efek positif dalam diri Anda. Ketika Anda belajar pada saat yang sama setiap hari, hal itu akan menjadi kebiasaan dalam hidup Anda, sehingga secara mental dan emosional lebih siap untuk belajar dan setiap sesi belajar akan menjadi lebih produktif.

4. Belajar dengan memiliki tujuan
Belajar tanpa arah dan tujuan tidak akan pernah efektif. Anda harus tahu persis apa yang menjadi tujuan Anda dalam belajar. Sebelum belajar, tentukanlah target apa yang harus Anda capai dalam sesi tersebut. Misalnya, menghapal 30 kosakata bahasa Spanyol dalam satu sesi belajar.

5. Jangan pernah menunda waktu belajar yang sudah direncanakan
Sangat mudah bagi Anda untuk menunda sesi belajar yang sudah ditentukan. Apalagi, jika Anda kurang berminat pada pelajaran tersebut. Siswa yang ingin berhasil tidak boleh menunda waktu belajar. Jika Anda menunda jadwal bejar, seterusnya Anda akan menjadi kurang efektif dalam menerima materi pelajaran.

6. Mulailah dengan subjek yang paling sulit terlebih dahulu
Carilah subjek pelajaran tersulit dan lebih membutuhkan upaya serta energi yang besar dalam menyelesaikannya. Setelah Anda menyelesaikan tugas tersebut, Anda akan lebih mudah untuk menyelesaikan sisa tugas. Percaya atau tidak, dimulai dengan pekerjaan yang paling sulit akan sangat meningkatkan efektivitas sesi belajar dan prestasi akademis Anda.

7. Tinjaulah kembali catatan Anda
Tinjaulah segala catatan Anda di kelas terlebih dahulu. Sebelum Anda menulis segala catatan yang baru, tinjaulah hasil catatan Anda secara menyeluruh untuk memastikan bagaimana menyelesaikan tugas dengan benar.

8. Pastikan tidak ada gangguan dalam belajar
Ketika Anda terganggu saat belajar, Anda akan kehilangan dan memecahkan konsentrasi belajar. Untuk itu, sebelum Anda mulai belajar, temukanlah tempat di mana Anda tidak akan terganggu.

9. Gunakan kelompok belajar efektif

Pernahkah Anda mendengar kalimat "Dua kepala lebih baik dari satu?". Pernyataan tersebut dapat dibenarkan dalam situasi belajar. Bekerja dalam kelompok memungkinkan Anda untuk mendapatkan bantuan dari siswa lain ketika Anda kesulitan memahami konsep,  menyelesaikan tugas lebih cepat, dan membantu siswa lain dan diri Anda sendiri dalam menginternalisasi subjek materi. Namun, kelompok belajar bisa menjadi sangat tidak efektif jika mereka tidak terstruktur.

10. Tinjau kembali catatan sekolah dan bahan-bahan kelas Anda selama akhir pekan
Siswa yang berhasil meninjau kembali apa yang telah mereka kerjakan selama seminggu pada akhir pekan, akan membantu mereka untuk merumuskan jadwal selanjutnya secara lebih efektif.

sumber : edukasi.kompas.com

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tips Menulis Esai Beasiswa

Informasi mengenai beasiswa dalam dan luar negeri memang banyak sekali kita dapatkan. Tapi terkadang, kendala yang dihadapi selanjutnya adalah pada saat menulis esai yang disyaratkan oleh institusi penyalur beasiswa tersebut. Perhitungan nilai mengenai hasil tulisan esai bisa saja menjadi pertimbangan yang sangat menentukan untuk memperoleh beasiswa.

Pertimbangan ini menjadi hal yang sangat krusial karena dari esai itulah institusi dapat mengenal lebih dekat mengenai pelamar beasiswa. Dari esai pula, institusi penyalur beasiswa dapat mengetahui latar belakang etnis, akademik, dan budaya berbeda yang dimiliki pelamar beasiswa.

Hal pertama yang harus Anda perhatikan ketika membuat esai pribadi adalah, institusi memberikan kesempatan kepada Anda untuk menunjukkan keunikan dan  kelebihan dari diri Anda. Gunakan kesempatan tersebut untuk mempromosikan diri sehingga Anda layak mendapatken beasiswa tersebut.

Ada pun, 10 tips untuk menulis esai beasiswa secara efektif adalah:
1. Bacalah dengan cermat petunjuk esai yang diminta oleh institusi. Jangan pernah langsung menulis esai sebelum Anda memahami betul petunjuk tersebut;
2. Ciptakan dan desain ide dan gagasan Anda dengan unik dan menarik;
3. Siapkan outline atau garis besar sebelum menulis esai pribadi Anda;
4. Ketika mempersiapkan garis besar dalam tulisan Anda, usahakan garis besar tersebut dapat menjawab pertanyaan yang ingin diiketahui oleh institusi penyalur beasiswa;
5. Tulislah esai pribadi Anda secara sempurna dan jelas, sehingga tidak akan ada pertanyaan yang ditimbulkan dari tulisan tersebut;
6. Gunakan kalimat yang sederhana, jelas, dan tata bahasa yang benar;
7. Ketika menuliskan prestasi akademik, tulislah dengan percaya diri, tetapi hindari kata-kata yang terkesan sombong;
8. Perhatikan tulisan secara rinci. Jangan sampai ada kesalahan penulisan, salah ejaan, salah ketik, penyusunan kata yang buruk, ataupun kesalahan tata bahasa;
9. Sebelum mengirimkan esai pribadi Anda, baca kembali dan periksa esai tersebut apakah sudah memenuhi kriteria yang diinginkan oleh institusi atau tidak;
10. Mintalah seorang rekan, guru, atau orang lain yang memiliki keterampilan menulis untuk meninjau esai Anda, dan mintalah saran kepada mereka.

Semoga berhasil, ya!

Sumber : Edukasi.Kompas.Com

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Peluang Beasiswa S-2 ke Belgia, Mau?

VLIR-UOS membuka peluang beasiswa bagi siswa dari Afrika, Asia, dan Amerika Latin. Beasiswa berupa pelatihan atau studi pascasarjana (S-2). Pelatihan atau program master akan dilaksanakan di universitas berbahasa Belanda atau universitas perguruan tinggi di Belgia. Peserta yang memenuhi syarat untuk mengikuti pelatihan atau program beasiswa master akan belajar dengan menggunakan bahasa pengantar bahasa Inggris.

Permohonan beasiswa ini dapat diajukan mulai Oktober 2012 (induk program) atau November 2012 (untuk program yang diselenggarakan di Katholieke Universiteit Leuven dan semua program pelatihan). Batas waktu aplikasi untuk program master 1 Februari 2013.

Ada pun, syarat untuk mengajukan beasiswa tersebut adalah:
* Berasal dari negara yang ditentukan oleh program beasiswa ini seperti yang telah disebutkan diatas;
* Berusia maksimal 40 tahun untuk mengambil program master dan 45 tahun untuk program pelatihan;
* Memiliki skor TOEFL minimal 550 untuk Paper-based Test (PBT), skor 79 pada tes berbasis internet (IBT), atau tes IELTS dengan skor 6,5. Dapat juga menggunakan nilai skor dari lembaga yang setingkat dengan TOEFL dan IELTS;
* Memiliki pengalaman dan perspektif yang sesuai dengan program pilihan;
* Pengajuan beasiswa VLIR UOS hanya dapat diajukan satu kali dalam setahun;

Kriteria yang diajukan dalam permohonan beasiswa ini adalah
1. Memiliki motivasi yang kuat untuk menyebarkan pengetahuan atau menciptakan kegiatan penyuluhan, dan memiliki dimensi perkembangan khusus dalam suatu bidang;
2. Berpengalaman dan profesional dalam suatu bidang, diutamakan dari lembaga penelitian, lembaga pendidikan tinggi, sektor pemerintah (nasional), sektor ekonomi sosial, atau LSM.

Negara yang dapat mengikuti program beasiswa ini di antaranya, Bangladesh, Kamboja, India, Indonesia, Yordania, Laos, Nepal, Wilayah Palestina, Filipina, Sri Lanka, Thailand, dan Vietnam.

Program yang ditawarkan untuk pendidikan master pun sangat beragam seperti, di antaranya Evaluasi Pengembangan dan Pengelolaan,  Sumber Daya Lahan Fisik, Teknologi Pangan, serta Globalisasi dan Pembangunan.
Tata cara untuk melakukan registrasi dan  mengikuti seleksi penerimaan beasiswa tersebut adalah mengunjungi situs web VLIR UOS.

Bagi pendaftar yang lolos pada tahap pertama akan dihubungi oleh VLIR UOS pada pertengahan bulan Juni 2013. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat mengunjungi www.scholarships.vliruos.be.

sumber : edukasi.kompas.com

Thursday, July 19, 2012

College of Life Sciences International Postgraduate Scholarship at University of Dundee, UK

The College of Life Sciences, School of Learning & Teaching is offering a number of scholarships to applicants for its Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate programmes.You will more information about eligibility, deadlines and how to apply below.

D'Arcy Thompson Scholarship

£1,000 Scholarship towards tuition fee for international students entering with a first class honours degree
This scholarship commemorates the 150th Anniversary of the birth of Sir D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson CB FRS FRSE in 2010

Dean's Merit Award

www.acehscholarships.com£3,000 Scholarship towards tuition fee for international students. This award is not necessarily about the best student, but about need and best fit with the ethos and aims of the College.  The award may be split amongst several worthy candidates.  

COTACyT Scholarship (MRes Cancer Biology)

10% off tuition fee for Mexican nationality students entering MRes Cancer Biology

MRes Cancer Biology Scholarship

£2,000 - £4,000 Scholarship towards tuition fee for international students entering MRes Cancer Biology

How to Apply

Once you have been given an offer to study in the College of Life Sciences, School of Learning & Teaching at the University of Dundee, we will send you an email telling you how to apply for a Scholarship.
You must complete the form, as soon as possible, and return it as per the instructions provided.
We will notify you after the closing date, to let you know whether you have been successful in being awarded a Scholarship or not. 


The closing date for Scholarship applications for courses starting September 2012 is 1st July 2012, and for courses starting in January 2013 the closing date is 15th November 2012.


If you are being sponsored or are receiving a discount on your fees due to an articulation agreement, then you cannot apply for a University of Dundee Academic School scholarship.
You can apply for several scholarships but only one Scholarship towards tuition fees will be awarded.

For more information, please visit the official website at www.dundee.ac.uk

Saturday, July 14, 2012

2013 Panasonic Scholarship for Master Students, Japan

Applications are accepted and selected by the Panasonic Scholarship offices in the 8 applicable countries/area: China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam and India.
Panasonic will accept applications for the “2013 Panasonic Scholarship” under the terms and conditions stated below.

(1) Application-related

  1. Eligibility
  2. 1) Nationality:
    Applicants must be citizens of the applicable countries/area.
    2) Educational Background etc.:
    Applicants must be graduates or pending graduates of universities and have a distinguished academic record and must have completed 16 years of school education or have been accepted as eligible for enrollment at the targeted graduate schools. However, applicants must have completed their bachelor degrees no more than 4 years prior to the date of their arrival in Japan.
    3) Specialization:
    beasiswa luar negeriApplicants must major in any one of the science, technology and engineering fields.
    4) Japanese Language Proficiency:
    Applicants must have the desire to master the Japanese language not only for studying at master’s level but also for understanding Japanese culture.
    5) Health Conditions:
    Applicants must be medically fit and must be strongly motivated to study in Japan.
    6) Others:
    1. Applicants must be interested in and have the desire to contribute to the development of the applicable countries/area and to promote friendship between the applicable countries/area and Japan.
    2. Applicants must obtain a student visa and arrive in Japan by end of March 2013 to attend the award ceremony to be held at Panasonic Headquarters at the beginning of April 2013.
    3. Applicants who are receiving or will receive other scholarships including Japanese Government Scholarships are not eligible for the Panasonic Scholarship.
    4. Applicants who are already enrolled at graduate schools in Japan at the time of applications are not eligible for the Panasonic Scholarship.
  3. Number of Students to be Accepted
    Not more than 26 students in total (in the 8 applicable countries/area)

  4. Assistance and Scholarship

  5. 1) Before Arrival in Japan
    The assistance to be provided before arrival in Japan is described below. Details will be forwarded to Panasonic Scholarship students (incl. nominated students) later by the Panasonic Scholarship office in the applicable countries/area.
    1. Application Fee and Entrance Fee Assistance
      “¥100,000” (or equivalent amount in other currency designated by the Panasonic Scholarship office in the applicable countries/area) to be provided for enrolling as a research student.
    2. Traveling Cost to Japan
      “One-way economy-class air ticket between the applicable countries/area and Japan” (or equivalent amount) to be provided.
      However, expenses such as inland transportation from Panasonic Scholarship student’s (incl. nominated student’s) place of residence to the nearest international airport, airport tax, airport usage charges, special taxes on overseas travel and travel expenses within Japan will be borne by Panasonic Scholarship students (incl. nominated students).
    2) After Arrival in Japan
    The scholarship to be provided after arrival in Japan is described below. The duration of the scholarship is limited to 3 years in accordance with the standard education periods as follows: 1 year for a research student and 2 years for a master's course at graduate school. However, the duration of the scholarship is to be shortened accordingly in case where the student's course of study is less than the standard education period.
    *Panasonic highly recommends Panasonic Scholarship students (incl. nominated students) to be a research student for 1 year in order for them to improve Japanese proficiency, to contact with Japanese culture and to set the basic direction of future research theme.
    1. Research Student of Graduate School
    2. Basic Scholarship ¥150,000 per month
      Tuition Assistance Actual Amount (a maximum of ¥200,000 to be paid each half year)
    3. Master's Course of Graduate School
    4. Basic Scholarship ¥180,000 per month
      Entrance Fee Assistance Actual Amount (a maximum of ¥250,000 to be paid)
      Tuition Assistance Actual Amount (a maximum of ¥250,000 to be paid per each half year)
  6. Forms and Applications
    Applicants must submit the following documents by the deadline to the Panasonic

  7. 1) Documents to be submitted
    1. Application form
    2. A letter of recommendation from the academic advisor of the university the applicant graduated from
    3. Study and research plan in Japan
    4. Original university transcript (a photocopy is not acceptable.)
    5. A certified copy of the applicant’s degree
    6. 3 copies of recent photographs (taken in the last 6 months), size 4x3cm, upper half of the body from the front with head uncovered.
      The applicant’s name is to be written on the reverse side and 1copy must be affixed to Application form No.1 .
    7. Recent Medical Report (The report must be compiled by the health institute nominated by the Panasonic Scholarship office in the applicable countries/area.
    8. * Learning History/Master Plan of Japanese
      * Learning History/Master Plan of Japanese shall be submitted only by those who attend the final interview.
    2) Deadline for submission :
    Please ask the Panasonic Scholarship office in the applicable countries/area. *Any application received after the deadline shall not be accepted.
  8. Selection and Notification
    Please ask the Panasonic Scholarship office in the applicable countries/area.

(2) Requirements for Panasonic Scholarship students (incl. nominated students)

  1. Enrollment in Graduate School and Duration of Research
    Panasonic searches a student with passion for studying at graduate school for 3 (three) years. In concrete, Panasonic searches those who;
  2. 1) obtain an informal consent from the academic adviser and finish application for enrollment as a research student within 2012,
    2) enroll in graduate school as a research student in April 2013,
    3) then enroll in a master’s course in April 2014 and
    4) complete a mater’s degree in March 2016.
  3. Japanese Language Proficiency Test
    Panasonic Scholarship students (incl. nominated students) are required to obtain N4 or above of Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) to be conducted in the applicable countries/area at the beginning of December 2012. In line with this, Panasonic recommends a student who has never learned Japanese to start a preparation for Japanese learning before attending the final interview. Panasonic may ask questions in easy Japanese at the final interview.
    Besides, it is said that a student enrolling in a master’s course should reach N1 or above of JLPT in order for them to successfully study and research at a graduate school.

(3) Notes

Please take note the following.
  1. Procedures Before/After Arrival in Japan
  2. 1) Acquisition of Passport
    Panasonic Scholarship students (incl. nominated students) must compile responsibly all the necessary documents, follow the required procedures and preparations for getting a passport and bear expenses related.
    2) Acquisition of Student Visa
    Panasonic Scholarship students (incl. nominated students) must compile responsibly all the necessary documents, follow the required procedures and preparations for getting a student visa and bear expenses related.
    3) Acquisition of Admission Approval from Graduate School
    Panasonic Scholarship students (incl. nominated students) must compile responsibly all the necessary documents, follow the required procedures and preparations for enrolling as a research student such as getting an admission approval from a graduate school.
    4) Reservation of Accommodation
    Panasonic Scholarship students (incl. nominated students) must compile responsibly all the necessary documents, follow the required procedures and preparations for reserving an accommodation and bear expenses related.
    5) Application for Alien Registration
    Panasonic Scholarship students (incl. nominated students) must compile responsibly all the necessary documents, follow the required procedures and preparations for applying for the alien registration and bear expenses related.
    6) Subscription to Medical Insurance
    Panasonic Scholarship students (incl. nominated students) must compile responsibly all the necessary documents, follow the required procedures and preparations for subscribing to the National Health Insurance and bear expenses related.
    Panasonic Scholarship students (incl. nominated students) are recommended to refer to the Student Guide to Japan issued by Japan Student Services Organization on all initial expenses incurred after arrival in Japan.
    The first scholarship payment will be made in April 2013.
  3. Panasonic Scholarship students (incl. nominated students) are required to observe Panasonic Scholarship’s Rules and follow instructions given by the Panasonic Scholarship office in Japan and the applicable countries/area, and to submit the necessary documents such as a monthly report, Japanese language progress report, Notice of Informal Consent issued by your target professor and Notice of Admission etc. without delay.

  4. Panasonic reserves the right to suspend temporarily or terminate immediately the scholarship if Panasonic finds Panasonic Scholarship students (incl. nominated students) to be in violation of the scholarship conditions. Panasonic also reserves the right to claim a partial or full refund of the scholarship, entrance fee assistance and tuition assistance amount previously-provided when a serious violation of the principles and objectives of the Panasonic Scholarship is found.

  5. The documents submitted shall not be returned under any circumstances.

  6. Should any points be unclear to you, please contact the Panasonic Scholarship office in the applicable countries/area.

For further information, please visit the official website at www.panasonic.net

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

3 Faktor Utama Melamar Beasiswa di APU Jepang

Meraih beasiswa studi di Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU), Beppu, Jepang, tidak sesulit yang dibayangkan. Bahkan, pelamar beasiswa tidak perlu menjadi top grade terlebih dahulu.

Begitulah setidaknya pengalaman Rahmat Mulyadi, salah seorang alumni Asia Pacific Management-APU bidang studi International Marketing.
Ada beberapa program beasiswa studi di Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU), Beppu, Jepang, terutama beasiswa bagi mahasiswa internasional seperti Indonesia. Umumnya beasiswa diberikan selama maksimal 4 tahun (hingga lulus) tanpa ikatan apapun. Dia bilang, pada saat melamar beasiswa di APU, tiga hal utama yang dilihat APU sebagai pemberi beasiswa adalah nilai akademik, tulisan/essay, dan interview.
Tidak perlu khawatir bisa berbahasa Jepang, karena perkuliahan di APU menggunakan Bahasa Inggris sebagai pengantarnya. Yang justeru perlu diperhatikan adalah proses seleksi beasiswa APU karena sangat ditentukan berdasarkan kualitas dokumen si pelamar.

www.acehscholarships.com"Kiat saya, pada tahun terakhir di SMA saya menggiatkan lagi belajarnya, sehingga hasilnya bagus," ujar peraih beasiswa APU yang kini menduduki posisi sebagai Executive & Advisor for Toyota Kamboja ini. 
Tak cukup nilai akademik. Menurut Rahmat, dua hal selanjutnya yang menentukan adalah essay dan wawancara. 
"Kalau untuk perguruan tinggi Jepang mungkin lebih dilihat karakter kita seperti apa, apakah kita punya motivasi untuk menyelesaikan pendidikan sepenuhnya atau kelak tidak berhenti setengah jalan saat studi nanti," kata Rahmat.
Di luar 3 syarat formal itu, lanjut Rahmat, hal lain perlu dijadikan tips adalah mencari informasi dari teman atau kakak kelas seandainya memang punya. Semua informasi terbaru tentang beasiswa sangat berharga untuk digali.
"Nasihat dari kakak-kakak kelas, kebetulan sahabat saya sudah di sana pada saat itu, sangat berguna. Selain itu, saya juga minta nasihat dari kantor cabang APU di Jakarta, saya sering telepon ke sana saat itu, terutama mengenai essay kita (proof reading)," tutur Rahmat .

Ragam beasiswa
Beasiswa yang diberikan APU hanya mencakup 124 SKS selama 4 tahun untuk mahasiswa tahun pertama (first year student), 94 SKS selama 3 tahun untuk mahasiswa transfer tahun kedua (second year transfer student), dan 62 SKS selama 2 tahun untuk mahasiswa transfer tahun ketiga (third year transfer student). Namun, program beasiswa ini tidak berlaku jika mahasiswa mengambil SKS tambahan, atau memutuskan untuk kuliah lebih dari 4 tahun.

Adapun beberapa pilihan beasiswanya meliputi:
- Pra Enrollment: mencakup beasiswa program 100 persen, beasiswa program 80 persen, beasiswa program 65 persen, beasiswa program 50 persen, beasiswa 30 persen, dan Honor Scholarship.
- Untuk program beasiswa 100 persen, biaya kuliah ditanggung semua oleh universitas, tanpa biaya tiket dan biaya hidup. Begitu pula dengan program 80 persen, universitas membayarkan 80 persen biaya kuliah dan seterusnya.
 - Sementara Honor Scholarship adalah beasiswa yang diberikan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Olahraga, Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi senilai 600.000 yen per tahun. Mahasiswa hanya membayar uang pangkal 130.000 yen, tiket pesawat, dan biaya kuliah 1.200.000-1.375.000 yen per tahun serta biaya hidup, dan bisa digabungkan dengan beasiswa APU lainnya.
 - Ada pula yang disebut dengan Beasiswa Pasca-enrollment, yaitu beasiswa internal untuk mahasiswa yang telah berada di Jepang, berprestasi serta memenuhi persyaratan. Selain itu, ada beasiswa eksternal yang diberikan untuk mahasiswa internasional, dan 19 macam beasiswa yang diberikan bagi yang memiliki student visa.

Nah, jika mulai tertarik berburu beasiswa, Anda bisa mendapatkan free application form dengan datang langsung ke APU Indonesia Information Center di Summitmas Tower 1 - Lantai 10 Jl Jend. Sudirman Kav 61-62, Jakarta Selatan, atau menghubungi telepon 021-2523708, atau melalui email ke univrpap@pacific.net.id. Anda juga bisa mengunjungi situs web APU http://www.apu.ac.jp.

Sumber : edukasi.kompas.com

International Undergraduate Scholarship at Istanbul Sehir University, Turkey

In the 2012-2013 academic year, all international students will be admitted to the undergraduate programs on full or partial scholarships. These scholarships are valid for 5 years duration (1 year of English Preparatory Program plus 4 years of undergraduate study).
 General Application Requirements for International Students
The applications of:
-  students who are either high school graduates or are studying their last year in high school,
-  students with dual nationality who abandoned their Turkish or Turkish Republic of North Cyprus (TRNC) citizenship and who complete their entire high school education abroad
- citizens of TRNC who have completed their entire high school in TRNC and have GCE A/L result
will be accepted.

Information about scholarship types: 

Scholarships and their coverage are as follows: 

A+ = Full tuition fee waiver + Dining scholarship for 9 months + 500 TL course material support for two
semesters +  Free accommodation at university dormitories for 9 months + monthly stipend for 9 months

A = 100 % tuition fee waiver

B = 75 % tuition fee waiver (tuition fee for undergraduate programs: 6.000, for English Preparatory School: 5.000 TL)

C = 50 % tuition fee waiver (tuition fee for undergraduate programs: 12.000, for English Preparatory School: 10.000 TL)

D = 25 % tuition fee waiver (tuition fee for undergraduate programs: 18.000, for English Preparatory School: 15.000 TL)

Free Laptop
All the students will be given a free of charge laptop computer upon completion of registration.

Health Insurance
All the students’ mandatory state health insurance premiums (SGK) will be paid by the university. 

2012-2013 academic year monthly room fees per person: 500 TL for 2-person room, 425 TL for 3-person room, 350 TL for 4-person room.

2012-2013 academic year monthly on-campus dining fee per person: 550 TL for 3 meals of standart menu.

For further information, please visit the official website at www.sehir.edu.tr

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Empat Syarat Raih Beasiswa S-1 di APU Jepang

Porsi beasiswa jenjang sarjana (S-1) yang ditawarkan oleh Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) di Beppu, Jepang, masih sangat besar untuk diraih para pelajar Indonesia, mulai beasiswa uang kuliah sebesar 30 % sampai 100 % atau full tuition fee. Apa saja syaratnya hingga para pelajar asal Vietnam tercatat paling banyak menerima beasiswa full tuition fee?   

Dahlan Nariman, Vice-Dean of Admissions, Associate Professor, Education Development and Learning Support Center (EDLSC) di Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU), kepada Kompas.com di Beppu, Jepang, Rabu (4/7/2012), mengungkapkan, setiap tahun APU menggelontorkan tak kurang Rp 45 miliar untuk beasiswa mahasiswa internasional. Anggaran beasiswa tersebut tidak berlaku untuk pelajar Jepang, melainkan khusus mahasiswa asing atau Internasional, termasuk Indonesia.
beasiswa aceh

"Sehingga syarat-syaratnya sangat ketat dan bisa dipersiapkan sejak akan tamat SMA," kata Dahlan di sela persiapan pelaksanaan 'Indonesia Week 2012'.

Dahlan mengatakan, empat syarat utama harus dipenuhi meliputi adalah prestasi akademik, kemampuan bahasa Inggris, wawancara, serta prestasi non akademik. Kecuali wawancara, semua persyaratan harus dipenuhi dengan skala terbaik terhitung mulai kelas satu sampai kelas tiga SMA (semester terakhir). 
"Tanpa mengecilkan yang lain, bobot wawancara sangat besar, yaitu 20 persen, sedangkan prestasi nonakademik 10 persen," tambah Dahlan.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, biaya kuliah (tuition fee) di APU per tahun mencapai Rp 130 juta, termasuk yang berlaku bagi pelajar Jepang sendiri. Umumnya, para pelajar Indonesia yang menimba ilmu di kampus ini karena berhasil meraih beasiswa.

"Beasiswa ini tidak berlaku untuk pelajar Jepang, tetapi untuk mahasiswa internasional, sehingga semakin besar kesempatan meraihnya. Sayang sekali kalau ini dilewatkan," tambah Dahlan.
Adapun skema beasiswa uang kuliah tersebut terdiri dari beberapa besaran persentase, mulai beasiswa 30 %, 50 %, 65 %, 80 %, hingga 100 % (full tuition fee). Calon penerima bisa mendapatkan salah satunya, tergantung kemampuannya.

Sumber: edukasi.kompas.com

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

International Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships at University Of Wales, UK

International Scholarships for 2012/13 entry:
Details of our pre-sessional English Language scholarships for September 2012  can be found here. Please note these are available only to International students.

A number of other Scholarships are available from the University of Wales, Newport.  Students applying for September 2012 or January 2013 entry are eligible to apply for these awards.

Students wishing to apply for these scholarships need to download and complete the Scholarship Application Form. A limited number of Scholarships are available and will be awarded to students on the basis of outstanding achievement.  Categories you may wish to consider applying under are:
• Academic
• Social or Cultural: including community projects or voluntary work
• Outstanding Artistic Achievement

The application form requires you to undertake a 500-700 word piece of work supporting your application.  Please note that applications must be fully completed and your supporting statement must be within the word limit.

Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and postgraduate applicants and awards are made for the academic year 2012/2013 (or for the duration of your course).  Scholarships of £1,000 per year will be awarded and the scholarship award will be deducted from your annual tuition fee.  A maximum of 10 undergraduate and 5 postgraduate scholarship awards will be made for each intake (September 2012 and January 2013).

Scholarships will be awarded by the Scholarship Committee based upon merit through consideration of a completed Scholarship Application Form.  These awards will be made at the beginning of the each semester and the decision by the Scholarship Committee is final.

Applicants must hold a Visa Letter/CAS for a taught undergraduate or postgraduate course at the University and have firmly accepted their offer before submitting an application.  
Conditional offer holders may apply but will only be considered for the scholarship if all conditions have been met before the deadline date.

Deadline for scholarship applicants starting in September 2012: 3rd September 2012
Deadline for scholarship applicants starting January 2013: 7th January 2013

Notes for applicants
- Students are only eligible to apply for ONE University scholarship award, ie either the £1000 scholarship, OR the pre-sessional English language scholarship.
- Students in receipt of donor funding (e.g Chevening or DFID awards) are not eligible to apply for these awards.
- Applicants must be full fee paying international students on a full-time taught programme of study at the University.
- Successful applicants only will be contacted within four weeks of the application closing dates. 

External Scholarships:

A number of scholarships are available from external sources. A summary and guide to these opportunities can be found on the British Council website entitled funding your studies

Students from Commonwealth countries should also visit the Shared Scholarship Fund section of their site to investigate opportunities to apply for scholarships for 2012 and 2013.

For further information, please visit the official website at www.newport.ac.uk

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

LLM International Scholarships at University of Leicester, UK

The School of Law is pleased to offer a number of scholarships for October 2012 entry to any of its five full-time campus based LLM degree programmes. The scholarships are worth up to £2,000 each and are open to international applicants who can demonstrate academic excellence at undergraduate level.

Law at Leicester

The School of Law is a research-led department committed to producing the highest quality scholarship while recognising the important relationship between excellence in research and in teaching. It is consistently ranked in the top twenty of UK law schools:
  • Extensive and up to date teaching materials written by over fifty leading academics
  • Teaching delivered by experienced tutors with strong professional academic backgrounds
  • Small sized seminar classes
  • Develop and refine expertise in your selected area of study
  • Obtain critical understanding of law in its socio-legal, comparative and interdisciplinary contexts
  • Tailor your course to suit your interests
The School of Law offers five LLM programmes:

Entry Requirements

The scholarships are for full-time campus based study only and applicants must be able to commence their studies in October 2012.
The scholarships are open to international (i.e., outside the EU) applicants who achieve a final grade at undergraduate level that is higher than our benchmark entry requirement. Benchmark entry requirements vary according to the LLM programme applied for:
LLM General Law, LLM International Human Rights Law, LLM Public International Law, and LLM Legal Research
Applicants achieving a final grade above a high 2:2 (or equivalent) are eligible for a scholarship worth £2,000
LLM International Commercial Law
Applicants achieving a final grade above a high 2:2 (or equivalent) are eligible for a scholarship worth £1,500 - scholarships worth up to £2,000 are available for applicants achieving a first class degree (or equivalent)
Please contact Charlotte Barratt if you have any enquiries regarding our benchmark entry requirements or the equivalency of qualifications/grades:

Apply Now

The closing date for applications for these scholarships is 31 August 2012. By that date applicants must hold a conditional or unconditional offer of entry to one of these five full-time LLM programmes.
Applicants should submit their application for October 2012 entry with the required supporting documents (references, evidence of academic attainment, etc.) as soon as possible using the online application system. You can access the online applications system through the relevant course description:
Alternatively, you can apply by post.
If you are accepted for entry to an LLM programme, the University will write to you confirming this. Only after you have received confirmation of your acceptance can you apply for these scholarships. You can apply using the scholarship application form. The University must receive your scholarship application by 31 August 2012.

For further information, please visit the official website at www2.le.ac.uk

Beasiswa S2/S3 Luar Negeri Ditjen Dikti Gelombang I Alokasi Tahun 2013

Sebagai upaya meningkatkan kualifikasi dosen, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi melalui Direktorat Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan kembali membuka pendaftaran beasiswa S2/S3 luar negeri Gelombang I untuk alokasi tahun 2013. Program beasiswa ini diperuntukkan bagi dosen tetap PTN, dosen DPk dan dosen tetap yayasan (PTS) di lingkungan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dan diutamakan untuk program S3 (PhD).

Bagi yang berminat melamar beasiswa tersebut, silakan mendaftar secara on-line melalui website: http://beasiswa.dikti.go.id, paling lambat tanggal 31 Oktober 2012. Melalui pendaftaran secara on-line ini, setiap pendaftar akan memperoleh nomor registrasi on-line. Namun, apabila ada pendaftar yang berkas lamarannya disampaikan lengkap sampai dengan tanggal 31 Juli 2012, ada kemungkinan peserta diberangkatkan tahun 2012.

Selanjutnya, untuk mengklarifikasi informasi yang telah disampaikan secara on-line, kami mohon pelamar mengirimkan berkas-berkas lamaran berupa:
  1. Nomor registrasi on-line;
  2. Bukti memiliki NIP/NIK dan NIDN;
  3. Surat izin rektor/pimpinan perguruan tinggi;
  4. Surat izin Kopertis (khusus bagi pelamar dari PTS);
  5. Form-A Dikti;
  6. Letter of Acceptance (LoA) dari perguruan tinggi luar negeri yang terakreditasi;
  7. Salinan ijazah S1 bagi pelamar jenjang S2 dan ijazah S2 bagi pelamar jenjang S3;
  8. Bukti kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (TOEFL/IELTS), Jerman, Perancis, Jepang atau bahasa lain berstandar internasional, sesuai dengan negara tempat perguruan tinggi yang dituju (tidak lebih dari 2 tahun terakhir);
  9. Surat rekomendasi (3 buah); dan
  10. Proposal penelitian dalam bahasa Inggris khusus untuk S3.
Seluruh berkas tersebut di atas dimasukkan dalam MAP HIJAU dengan menuliskan nama, alamat, serta nomor registrasi on-line pengirim, dan paling lambat kami terima tanggal 14 Nopember 2012 pukul 15.00 WIB. Berkas lamaran dikirimkan ke:

Direktorat Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan
Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi
Kompleks Kemdiknas Gedung D Lantai 5
Jln. Jenderal Sudirman, Pintu 1 Senayan, Jakarta 10270

Apabila terdapat pertanyaan ataupun permasalahan berkaitan dengan pendaftaran secara on-line, mohon disampaikan melalui email: blndikti@dikti.go.id.

Informasi selengkapnya silakan kunjungi website www.dikti.go.id

Monday, July 2, 2012

Chevron Specialist Engineering Scholarships at University of Aberdeen, UK

Chevron is one of the world's leading integrated energy companies, with subsidiaries that conduct business worldwide.
Chevron North Sea Ltd. is offering four Chevron Specialist Engineering Scholarships (one Mechanical Engineering Scholarship, one Petroleum Engineering Scholarship, one Chemical Engineering Scholarship, and one Electrical and Electronic Engineering Scholarship).

The successful applicants will each receive £1,000 for year 3, £2,000 for year 4 and £3,000 for year 5 of their undergraduate degree programme (i.e. £6,000 over 3 years).

Study Level: Undergraduate
Year(s): year3
Country: All countries
Subject: Engineering

The scholarships are open to full time students commencing third year of any of the undergraduate degree programmes listed below in September 2012:
  • MEng Petroleum Engineering (H850)
  • MEng Chemical Engineering (H810)
  • MEng Mechanical Engineering (H305)
  • MEng Mechanical Engineering with Materials (H3JM)
  • MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering (H605)

Features of The Chevron Scholarship Programme open to Chevron Scholars:
- Financial support as detailed below
- Notice of internship opportunities with Chevron
- Mentoring

All students regardless of nationality or fee status are eligible to apply for the scholarships.

The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and demonstration of specific personal characteristics (please see guidelines for full details).

Application Procedure
Please complete the application form, and send it together with your CV and your reference, to Jenny Styles (address supplied in guidelines below).

Deadline: 22nd of October 2012

Further Info
If you have any queries not answered by the guidelines above please contact  Jenny Styles, University of Aberdeen Development Trust (email: j.styles@abdn.ac.uk, tel: 01224 273597).

For further information, please visit the official website at www.abdn.ac.uk

International Climate Protection Fellowships for Developing Countries, Germany

The International Climate Protection Fellowships enable prospective leaders to conduct a research-related project of their own choice during a one-year stay in Germany. Submit an application if you are a prospective leader from a non-European threshold or developing country (see list of countries) working in the field of climate protection and resource conservation in academia, business or administration in your country. Applicants must provide a clearly visible leadership potential either by experience in a first leadership position or be able to provide appropriate references. They must also have completed their first university degree (Bachelor’s or equivalent academic degree) less than 12 years prior to the start of the fellowship (1 September 2013) with outstanding results. They must also have extensive professional experience in a leadership role (at least 48 months at the time of application) or hold a further academic or professional qualification. Furthermore, they are expected to have gained initial practical experience through involvement in projects related to climate protection and resource conservation. The fellowship will enable the recipients to conduct a research-related project of their own choice with hosts in Germany whom they are free to choose themselves.

The programme, which is being funded under the International Climate Initiative by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, includes a preparatory intensive language course in Germany, a several-week introductory seminar, a several-day training course and a final meeting in Berlin. These activities will enable you to gain additional insights into academic, social, cultural, economic and political life in Germany.

In addition to applicants who have been trained in the natural and engineering sciences, candidates who have been engaged in legal, economic and societal issues relating to climate change are encouraged to apply for this programme. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is granting up to 15 International Climate Protection Fellowships to prospective leaders from the countries named. The call is subject to the approval of sufficient financial means to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Closing date: 1 December 2012

For further information, please visit the official website at www.humboldt-foundation.de/web/icf.html

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Master of Public Policy (MPP) at the Brandt School a specialisation in Conflict Studies and Management, Germany

Within the Master of Public Policy (MPP) at the Brandt School a specialisation in Conflict Studies and Management (CSM) is offered as a selective track. The MPP is a two-year, practice-oriented degree programme taught in English and designed for students seeking a career in the public or non-profit sector. During their course of studies, students learn to understand the theoretical underpinnings of political processes and develop critical, analytical and practical abilities. For this purpose, the core curriculum combines quantitative and qualitative approaches to public policy-analysis with elements dedicated to the advancement of personal skills and systematic practical training.
The specialisation in CSM provides students with a sound theoretical basis for analysing contemporary conflicts and developing policy responses to them. Furthermore, it conveys practical skills to assess policy interventions critically and develop approaches to conflict resolution.
www.acehscholarships.comThus, in line with the special focus of a public policy school, the Brandt School looks at conflict studies and management with a special interest in how policy-making and public policy as a research perspective need to be re-thought in the context of conflict management and post-conflict reconstruction efforts. In particular, the role of governments, administrations, international actors and NGOs as policy-makers in conflict areas, fragile states and war-torn countries will be considered in the CSMP.
The MPP specialising in CSM is designed for students with an academic background in international relations, political sciences and the wider social or human sciences with a proven interest or practical experience in the fields of post-conflict-management and reconstruction, peace building, institutional development and governance, regional security (esp. developing frameworks for regional security architectures), conflict resolution or terrorism.
The MPP specialising in CSM:
Provides a coherent overview of conflict studies and conflict management theory and practice;
Provides different theoretical frameworks that may be used to organise historical knowledge and interpret contemporary policy-making;
Examines theories and models of state-, institution-, and peace-building, and evaluates attempts to manage, resolve, or transform conflicts;
Provides an ambitious example of the manner in which the multi-disciplinary approach of public policy associated with conflict studies can overcome the limitations of studying conflict through any single disciplinary lens.
Master’s Scholarships:
The Master’s Scholarships are awarded for the normal duration of the Master’s course (2 years) with an additional German language course of generally 6 months before the beginning of studies. All scholarships will initially be awarded for a maximum of 12 months and can be extended for another year upon application.
DAAD pays a monthly scholarship rate of currently 750 €. The scholarship also includes contributions to health insurance in Germany. In addition, DAAD grants an appropriate travel allowance as well as a study and research subsidy and in applicable cases rent subsidies and / or family allowances.
The scholarship holders will be exempted from tuition fees. They will be offered special tutoring at the Brandt School, and there is the possibility of further activities.

Application Requirements

At the time of their application, applicants for a CSMP Master’s scholarship must 
have completed their studies with a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent (excellent or very good) in the last six years in one of the following areas: International Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies/War Studies, International Law, Area Studies, Political Sciences with concentrations in conflict studies or conflict regions. Highly qualified applicants with different academic backgrounds who demonstrate at least two years practical experience in the field are also eligible.
two years professional experience would be an asset.
Applicants cannot be considered if they have been in Germany for more than one year at the time of application.
Knowledge of German language is adventageous but not required.
Application papers
DAAD application form (available on website: www.daadjkt.org)
Full Curriculum Vitae
Motivation letter containing a precise description of the applicant’s academic/professional and personal reasons for wishing to participate in the programme
Two letters of recommendation from the university professor and/or current or former employers
Officially authenticated copies of Bachelor certificate and academic transcripts (in Bahasa Indonesia and English)
Officially authenticated copies of secondary school leaving certificate (in Bahasa Indonesia and English)
English language certificate: TOEFL (minimum score of 550/90) or EILTS (minimum 6.0)

The complete sets of application papers (in triplicates) must be submitted by 31 July 2012
DAAD Jakarta
Summitmas Building II, 14th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 61-62
Jakarta 12190

Incomplete applications cannot be considered.
Further information can be obtained from DAAD Section 442 (csmp@daad.de)

Visit the official website