Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Beasiswa Program Pembinaan Sumber Daya Manusia Strategis (PPSDMS) Nurul Fikri

Program Pembinaan Sumber Daya Manusia Strategis (PPSDMS) Nurul Fikri adalah institusi non-profit, non-partisan, relijius, terbuka dan kebersamaan, yang memiliki visi: “melahirkan pemimpin-pemimpin masa depan yang memiliki pemahaman Islam yang komprehensif, integritas dan kredibilitas yang tinggi, berkepribadian matang, moderat, serta peduli terhadap kehidupan bangsa dan Negara.” Selama 10 tahun PPSDMS telah berdiri sebagai lembaga pemberi beasiswa sekaligus pembinaan bagi mahasiswa berprestasi. Saat ini PPSDMS menawarkan beasiswa untuk angkatan ke VI (2012-2014).

  • Muslim, belum menikah dan bersedia untuk tidak menikah selama menjadi peserta PPSDMS.
  • Laki-laki dan perempuan. Khusus untuk perempuan saat ini baru tersedia di Regional 1 Jakarta dan Regional 3 Yogyakarta.
  • Warga negara Republik Indonesia.
  • Berkelakuan baik, tidak pernah tersangkut perkara pidana dan kasus narkoba.
    Mahasiswa S1 angkatan 2010 dan 2011 dari Universitas Indonesia/UI, Institut Teknologi Bandung/ITB, Universitas Padjadjaran/UNPAD, Universitas Gadjah Mada/UGM, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember/ITS, Universitas Airlangga/UNAIR (kecuali MIPA), dan Institut Pertanian Bogor/IPB.
  • Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) sekurang-kurangnya 2,80 dan Indeks Prestasi Semester (IPS) sekurang-kurangnya 2,75 sejak awal kuliah.
  • Bersedia mengikuti program pembinaan selama dua tahun (tahun pertama diasramakan) mulai 1 Agustus 2012 s.d. 31 Juli 2014 dan tunduk pada ketentuan yang berlaku di PPSDMS.
  • Berperilaku sehari-hari yang sesuai dengan akhlak Islami serta moral dan etika masyarakat.

Komponen Beasiswa
  • Uang saku Rp. 500.000,- per bulan selama 2 tahun pembinaan
  • Fasilitas asrama (tahun pertama) meliputi: kamar, tempat tidur, ruang belajar, perpustakaan, komputer, internet, printer, dsb.
  • Pembinaan Peserta tahun pertama (berasarama) meliputi: National Leadership Camp (NLC), Latihan Gabungan, Kajian Islam Kontemporer, Training Pengembangan Diri, Training Jurnalistik, Studi Pustaka, Dialog Tokoh, Diskusi Paska Kampus, Beladiri, dsb.
  • Pembinaan Peserta tahun kedua (tanpa asrama) meliputi: Kajian Islam Pekanan, Latihan Gabungan, Leadership Project dan Training Bahasa Inggris, dll.
Rekrutmen PPSDMS Angkatan VI terdiri dari 3 tahap 
  • Tahap I Administratif  (terbagi menjadi 2 gelombang).
  • Tahap II - Tes Tertulis.
  • Tahap III - Tes Kesehatan & Fisik, Tes Presentasi, Tes Membaca Alquran, Wawancara.
Jumlah Peserta yang diterima
  • Regional 1 Jakarta: 30 orang Mahasiswa dan 30 orang Mahasiswi UI
  • Regional 2 Bandung: 35 orang Mahasiswa ITB dan UNPAD
  • Regional 3 Yogyakarta: 30 orang Mahasiswa dan 30 orang Mahasiswi UGM
  • Regional 4 Surabaya: 35 orang Mahasiswa ITS dan UNAIR
  • Regional 5 Bogor: 30 orang Mahasiswa IPB

Alur pendaftaran
  1. Daftarkan akun Anda di halaman registrasi. Gunakan email yang valid dan aktif saat melakukan registrasi.
  2. Aktifkan username melalui link yang diberikan melalui email yang didaftarkan
  3. Login dengan username dan password yang telah dibuat
  4. Isi biodata pribadi Anda
  5. Unduh Formulir Pendaftaran dan Form Surat Rekomendasi
  6. Unggah Formulir Pendaftaran yang telah diisi dengan lengkap dan benar melalui link yang disediakan (ukuran maksimum file adalah 2 MB dan dalam format .doc).
  7. Kirimkan berkas pendaftaran meliputi:
    1. Formulir Pendaftaran lengkap dengan foto berwarna
    2. Curriculum Vitae (CV) terbaru
    3. Surat Rekomendasi
    4. Sertifikat Penghargaan/Organisasi/Kepanitiaan
    5. Transkrip terbaru
  8. Konfirmasi berkas yang sudah dikirim via SMS kepada Supervisor Utama masing-masing Regional dengan Format:
    telah mengirimkan berkas pendaftaran PPSDMS padavia
    • Adi Wahyu Adji UI FMIPA 2010 telah mengirim berkas pendaftaran PPSDMS pada 24/2 via Pos ke Kantor Pusat PPSDMS
    • Adi Wahyu Adji UI FMIPA 2010 telah mengirim berkas pendaftaran PPSDMS pada 24/2 via antar langsung ke Asrama Regional 2 Bandung
    • Adi Wahyu Adji UI FMIPA 2010 telah mengirim berkas pendaftaran PPSDMS pada 24/2  via peserta PPSDMS nama: Supriatna
Kontak Supervisor bisa dilihat di halaman Kontak.
Berkas dikirimkan paling lambat 24 Februari 2012 (Gelombang I) atau 30 Maret 2012 (Gelombang II) ke (salah satu):
  • Kantor Pusat PPSDMS
  • Asrama Regional PPSDMS
  • Peserta PPSDMS Angkatan V

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The GE Foundation Scholar Leaders Program, INDONESIA

The GE Foundation Scholar – Leaders Program is a scholarship program sponsored by the GE Foundation which offers opportunity to Indonesian university students to receive a scholarship for finishing their undergraduate study. The scholarship will cover tuition fee, monthly living allowance and thesis allowance for three years starting the third semester. This is not just a scholarship; the students may have an opportunity to developing their leadership potential, professionalism and human capacity.
The main objective of the program is to support qualified but needy undergraduate students through broadening access to education and facilitating learning and leadership skills.

Students must be attending the following institutions to be eligible to apply:
  1. IPB 
  2. ITB 
  3. ITS
  4. UGM
  5. UI
  6. UNAIR 
  7. UNDIP
  9. UNPAD
Only students in the following fields of study are eligible to apply:
  1. Economics (Accounting, Development Studies, Management)
  2. Math and Science (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)
  3. Computer Science
  4. Environmental Studies
  5. Engineering (Electrical Engineering, Physical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Environmental Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering)
Further Requirements Include:
  • GPA of at least 3.0 (0–4 scale) for semester 1 and 2
  • Involvement in social and student activities
  • Good command of English
  • Demonstration of financial need – must not be recipient of any other scholarships

How to Apply
In order to apply, applicants should access and fill in the application form at and you must send the hard copy version including all supporting documents required to:
Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF)
Menara Imperium Lt. 28 Suite A-B
Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta

The applicants may access the online application until MARCH 15, 2012 and have to send the completed application forms (hard copy) by March 15, 2012 (postmark).

For more information please contact:
Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF)
Menara Imperium Lt. 28 suite A – B
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Jakarta 12980
Phone: +6221 – 8317330 ext. 102/115 (office hours)

Monday, February 27, 2012

ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) Scholarship

The ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) is looking into encouraging regional cooperation by providing scholarships in selected ASEAN universities for students wishing to study programs relating to business and technology. As a start, ASEAN-BAC has agreed to work with Tan Tao University (TTU) in Viet Nam to offer scholarships for 50 students from throughout ASEAN Member States, worth up to USD 27,500 per student, in the 2012 and 2013 school year. 

Scholarship Description
The ASEAN-BAC Scholarship program aims to foster "ASEAN youths with ASEAN hearts'', and is a way for the private sector of ASEAN to continually contribute towards the enhancement of "People-to-People Connectivity' (P2P). ASEAN-BAC Scholarships will be based on academic performance and will include:
  • Free U—PUP (University Prep Semester) with an opportunity to practice English, learn valuable study skills, and prepare for top quality university education.
  • Free tuition for the first academic year
  • Modern dormitory and healthy meals
  • Health care during TTU career.
  • The ASEAN-BAC Scholarship will not include airplane tickets and will not be paid in cash.
The scholarship for the next year will be based on the academic performance that is calculated upon the American 4-point scale
  • Over 3.5/4.0: 100% Scholarship.
  • From 3.0 to below 3.5: 75% Scholarship.
  • From 2.5 to below 3.0: 50% Scholarship.
  • Below 2.5: 0% scholarship.

Applicants must meet these following criteria:
  • Students from ASEAN member states (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam)
  • Cumulative GPA of 10th, 11th and 12th grades: over 3/4 or 7.5/10 (or equivalent)
  • English level:
    • For technical majors: TOEFL PBT of 550 or TOEFL CBT of 243 or TOEFL iBT of 97
    • For business and finance majors: TOEFL PBT of 580 or TOEFLE CBT of 257 or TOEFL iBT of 102

 How to Apply
Applicants must send a package of documents to Admission Office at Tan Tao University, which included:
  1. Completed ASEAN-BAC Scholarship Registration Form
  2.  01 copy of notarized academic transcripts of Grades 10, 11, and 12
  3. Certificate of English Proficiency: TOEFL (CBT or PBT or iBT)
  4. Written Essay (topic to be provided by TTU)
  5. Letters of recommendation (2 letters from Teachers)
  6.  01 copy of notarized Identification Card
  7. Certificate of Extra-curricular Activities (if available)
  8. Copy of Passport
  9. Copy of notarized Certificate of High school Diploma
  10. Other Certificates (list only, if any)
  11. 6 passport photos of 30 mm x 40 mm

Application must be sent on 31 May 2013 on the latest to Admission Office at Tan Tao University, to the address below:
Tan Tao University Avenue, Tan Duc Ecity,
Duc Hoa District, Long An Province,
Telephone: +84 72 376 9216

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Manfaat Belajar di Luar Negeri

Bersekolah di luar negeri merupakan impian bagi banyak orang. Banyak alasan yang mendasari banyaknya pelajar melanjutkan studi ke negeri orang, seperti ingin mendapatkan mutu pendidikan yang lebih baik. Selain itu ada banyak manfaat yang dapat diperoleh dari belajar di luar negeri seperti beberapa yang disimpulkan dibawah ini:
1. Pengalaman baru
Dengan kuliah di luar negeri berarti akan menemukan suasana baru yang secara otomatis akan mendapatkan pengalaman baru yang tidak didapati di dalam negeri. Semakin banyaknya pengalaman di luar negeri maka orang tersebut akan mengerti tentang dunia luar.  

2. Memiliki teman dari mancanegara
Memiliki teman dari mancanegara akan memperbanyak dan menambah koneksi yang nantinya akan sangat berguna sebagai penunjang karier, apalagi jika berencana menetap dan bekerja  di luar negeri. Selain hal tersebut keuntungan lain yang bisa didapatkan adalah dapat bertukar informasi dan pengalaman.

3. Menambah kemampuan bahasa
Dengan berinteraksi dengan penduduk setempat, berarti mendapatkan kesempatan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa serta mengasah cara berbicara dengan dialek seperti penutur aslinya. Selain itu semakin banyak teman dari mancanegara maka dapat memotivasi kita untuk mempelajari bahasa asing lainnya. Nah semakin bertambah kan bahasa asing yang bisa dikuasai.

4. Menambah wawasan
Wawasan mengenai dunia sudah pasti bertambah, baik itu segi pandang terhadap dunia, pendidikan, kehidupan, teknologi, pengetahuan, dll. Ragam budaya/kultur yang dirasakan dapat menjadikan kita pribadi yang multikultur. Sehingga kita dapat memposisikan diri bagaimana berinteraksi dengan masyarakat mancanegara. Dengan memahami kultur yang berbeda, kita dapat  belajar, membandingkan dan kemudian mengambil hikmahnya.

5. Kepribadian yang mandiri
Disini kita dapat melatih diri untuk hidup mandiri dan beradaptasi dengan lingkungan baru. Disamping itu pula belajar mengatur keuangan dan bertahan, tidak melulu bergantung/berharap pada orangtua. Akhirnya menjadikan kita pribadi yang dewasa dan cermat.

6. Pendidikan di luar negeri (terutama di negara maju) pendidikannya lebih maju
Biasanya tingkat pendidikan diluar negeri ditunjang dengan teknologi yang maju terutama di negara yang sudah maju. Selain itu universitas diluar negeri (negara maju) peringkatnya lebih tinggi dan statusnya lebih diakui dan terakreditasi. Bisa juga melakukan studi perbandingan antara pendidikan di dalam negeri dan luar negeri.

7. Referensi yang lebih baik
Biasanya dengan kuliah di luar negeri kita bisa mendapatkan banyak buku referensi yang belum tentu ada di negeri kita. Begitu pula dengan jurnal-jurnal terbaru untuk mengembangkan ilmu. Sudah bukan rahasia lagi, bahwa di negara kita anggaran pendidikan masih minim. Jadi wajar saja jika perpustakaannya pun mungkin tidak sesuai standar yang seharusnya.

8. Memudahkan mencari pekerjaan di dalam negeri
Setelah lulus kuliah dari universitas di luar negeri dan berkeinginan berkarier di dalam negeri, maka ijazah yang didapat dari luar negeri akan memudahkan mencari pekerjaan karena biasanya dianggap memiliki prestisi yang lebih tinggi.

(dari berbagai sumber) 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Orange Tulip Scholarship 2012/2013, Belanda

Program Orange Tulip Scholarship adalah program beasiswa yang disediakan oleh beberapa universitas di Negeri  Belanda bagi para mahasiswa Indonesia yang berprestasi, untuk mengikuti program – program studi tertentu di jenjang S – 2. Untuk tahun ajaran 2012/ 2013, Orange Tulip Scholarship tersedia bagi program – program studi yang diselenggarakan pada universitas – universitas di Belanda yaitu:
1. Amsterdam Business School Scholarship (1 orang), program studi Master of Business Administration,
2. Amsterdam Business School – Air France KLM Scholarship (1 orang), program studi Master in International Finance 
3. Nyenrode Scholarship (1 orang), program studi International Master of Business Administration 
4. Nyenrode Scholarship (1 orang), program studi MSc in Management  
5. TiasNimbas Scholarship (1 orang), program studi Master of Business Administration
6. TiasNimbas Scholarship (1 orang), progam studi MSc in Business Administration

Peserta yang ingin mendaftar pada program ini harus memenuhi kriteria sebagai berikut:
  1. Warga Negara Indonesia dan saat ini tinggal dan/ atau bekerja di Indonesia;
  2. Saat ini tidak sedang kuliah dan/ atau bekerja di Belanda.
  3. Memenuhi persyaratan penerimaan progam studi yang dimaksud oleh universitas/ sponsor yang bersangkutan.
  4. Terkait dengan persyaratan nomor 3 di atas, peserta saat ini harus sudah diterima/ sedang dalam proses mendaftar/ berminat dan berencana segera mendaftar untuk program studi yang dimaksud pada universitas yang bersangkutan.
  5. Bersedia mengikuti program studi yang dipilih dalam tahun ajaran 2012/ 2013, yang akan dimulai pada bulan September 2012.

Prosedur Pendaftaran
Tahapan pendaftaran program Orange Tulip Scholarship ini sebagai berikut:
  1. Peserta mengunduh formulir pendaftaran Orange Tulip Scholarship dari website atau klik download formulir pendaftaran.
  2. Isi formulir tersebut sesuai dengan informasi yang diminta (harap menandatangani formulir)
  3. Kirimkan formulir yang sudah diisi lengkap dan ditandatangani melalui email ke disertai dengan lampiran berupa Curriculum Vitae (wajib) dan Surat Penerimaan / Surat Penerimaan sementara dari universitas di Belanda (jika sudah ada). Berkas pendaftaran dapat juga dikirimkan melalui pos atau diantar langsung ke kantor Neso Indonesia.

Berkas pendaftaran  harus dikirimkan sekaligus secara lengkap dan diterima oleh Neso Indonesia paling lambat tanggal 30 April 2012.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Kingston University International Postgraduate Scholarships, UK

We offer awards totalling £250,000 every year, with each international scholarship worth £3,300. These are open to prospective full-time postgraduates in any subject area on a one-year taught masters degree based at Kingston University.

Before you begin your application, please make sure that you meet the eligibility criteria. You must:
  • be an international student (classified as 'overseas' for fee purposes);
  • have an offer of a place on a course at Kingston for 2012/13 entry; and
  • not currently be registered on an undergraduate or postgraduate course at Kingston University.

The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of:
  • academic merit;
  • what you expect to gain from the course you are taking; and
  • what you intend to do after completing the course.
How to Apply: Online

The deadline for September 2012 scholarship applications is 31 May 2012.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

School of Psychology International Undergraduate Scholarship 2012, UK

University of Kent in UK invites international students for the prestigious School of Psychology International Undergraduate Scholarship for Academic Excellence 2012. The scholarships have been created to attract the best international students to the School, who will contribute to its intellectually vibrant and diverse environment.

In order to be eligible for a scholarship, all of the four conditions below must have been satisfied:
1. an application must have been made for a single honours degree course with the School of Psychology.
2. the applicant must have received an offer of a place on such a single honours degree course.
3. the University must have received confirmation of the applicant's firm acceptance of the offer.
4. the applicant must have demonstrated ability to fund their study programme.
How to apply
Applicants must submit an original essay of 1,500 words (maximum) entitled ‘Is Psychology a ‘real’ science? Discuss’, to  

Applicants must submit their essay by 30th March 2012.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Beasiswa D3 IPB – PT SMART Tbk

PT SMART Tbk memberikan beasiswa berupa Biaya Operasional Pendidikan yang meliputi Biaya SPP, Biaya non SPP dan Biaya Pengembangan Fasilitas serta uang saku.

• Formulir ini khusus digunakan untuk pendaftaran mahasiswa baru Program Diploma Institut Pertanian Bogor melalui Jalur Kerjasama antara IPB dengan PT. SMART Tbk.
• Mengisi formulir yang telah disediakan dan melengkapinya dengan berkas-berkas yang disyaratkan pada butir II Panduan Melamar ini
• Formulir pendaftaran serta kelengkapannya diserahkan dan langsung melakukan wawancara pada tanggal 8-9 Mei 2012 pada jam kerja (08.00-16.00) dengan lokasi penyerahan :
1. Wilayah DKI Jakarta, Banten dan Jabar di PT.SMART Tbk Plaza BII Menara 2 Lt.10, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.51 Jakarta (HRD)
2. Wilayah Sumatera, Kalimantan, di Kantor Unit Perkebunan Sinar Mas atau Kantor Perwakilan setempat
3. Wilayah Jatim, Jateng & DIY tempat penyerahan formulir mengikuti keterangan pada pamflet / poster di wilayah setempat.
• Bagi peserta yang lulus wawancara, akan dikenakan biaya Rp. 50.000 ,- yang dibayar pada saat mengambil Tanda Bukti Peserta Tes Tulis

1. Pria, Berumur 17 – 22 tahun
2. Lulusan SMU/SMA IPA atau SPMA (SMK Pertanian)
3. Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran
4. Surat permohonan ditulis tangan dengan tinta hitam untuk diterima dalam program diploma kepada IPB (contoh terlampir)
5. Pernyataan kesediaan ditulis tangan dengan tinta hitam untuk menandatangani perjanjian dan menjalani ikatan dinas setelah lulus kepada perusahaan serta diberi materai (contoh terlampir)
6. Pas Foto terbaru berwarna ukuran 3x4 (3 lembar) dan 2x3 (3 lembar)
7. Mengisi informasi pribadi
8. Fotocopy identitas diri yang sah (KTP/SIM)
9. Fotocopy Rapor SLA, halaman 1 dan nilai semester 1 hingga 6 yang sudah dilegalisasi
10. Fotocopy Ijazah SLA yang sudah dilegalisasi (jika sudah ada)
11. Fotocopy hasil Ujian Akhir Nasional SLA yang sudah dilegalisasi (jika sudah ada)
12. Surat Rekomendasi dari Sekolah (contoh terlampir)
13. Surat Rekomendasi dari Unit/Perwakilan (contoh terlampir)
14. Surat Keterangan pemeriksaan kesehatan (contoh terlampir)
15. Fotocopy Surat Keterangan Berkelakuan Baik dan Bebas Narkoba dari Kepolisian setempat

• Seleksi didasarkan pada hasil wawancara, tes tulis, prestasi akademik selama di Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas dan hasil medical test
• Formulir pendaftaran dan berkas lamaran yang masuk akan diikutkan wawancara pada 8-9 Mei 2012.
• Bagi pendaftar yang lulus wawancara dapat melihat pengumuman dan mengambil Tanda Bukti Peserta Tes tulis pada tanggal 16 Mei 2012 di PT. SMART Tbk Jakarta/Perwakilan/Estate/Sekolah tempat pelaksanaan interview.
• Informasi tempat pelaksanaan tes tulis tercantum pada Tanda Bukti Peserta tes.
• Tes tulis akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 30 Mei 2012 dengan membawa Tanda Bukti Peserta Tes, pensil 2B, HB dan penghapus
• Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi tes tulis, harus mengikuti tes kesehatan pada tanggal 15-16 Juni 2012 di Laboratorium Klinik /Rumah Sakit yang dirujuk oleh PT. SMART Tbk.

Pengumuman hasil seleksi diatur sebagai berikut :

• Wawancara : 16 Mei 2012
• Tes tulis : 14 Juni 2012
• Tes kesehatan : 25 Juni 2012

• Registrasi akan dilakukan di Kantor PT. SMART Tbk Jakarta/Estate/Perwakilan/BKK Sekolah setempat pada 6 Juli 2012 dengan menyerahkan Surat Kesediaan Mengikuti Ikatan Dinas dan koordinasi keberangkatan ke Bogor.

• PT. SMART, tbk membayarkan ke IPB seluruh Biaya Operasional Pendidikan yang meliputi Biaya SPP, Biaya non SPP dan Biaya Pengembangan Fasilitas
• Sinar Mas memberikan bantuan biaya hidup yang meliputi uang saku, bantuan uang makan dan bantuan uang akomodasi yang besar dan cara pemberiannya akan ditetapkan tersendiri
• Lulusan program diploma diwajibkan menjalani ikatan dinas selama 5 tahun sejak lulus

Informasi selengkapnya silakan download file dibawah ini

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

University of Kent Dental Development Scholarship for Undergraduate, UK

The Division of Dentistry in the Centre for Professional Practice at the University of Kent will be offering scholarships to a number of applicants who are UK, EU and Overseas full-time undergraduate students.This scholarship fund is designed to support widening access and participation in higher education by dental care professionals and will provide a partial scholarship to incoming and current students in the Dental Care programmes at the University of Kent. Scholarships may be awarded for 1, 2 or 3 stages, and any applicant awarded a scholarship at stage 1 or 2 will be able to reapply for succeeding academic stages at the end of June each year. Scholarships will also be subject to satisfactory academic progress.

  •  Applicants must fulfill the normal entry requirements for the course
  • Applicants must hold an offer of a place or be an existing student in good standing for a full-time or flexible degree at the University of Kent for the following or current academic year in the Dental Care programme
  • Applicants will be judged on the strength of their academic background and appropriate completion of the award application form
  • Priority will be given to applicants in the following order:
      • qualified dental nurses
      • other dental care professionals

How to Apply
Applicants must make the application for this scholarship with reference code (Ref: DDS) . For application form, please click here. Interviews for scholarships will take place on the same day as academic interviews.

Application must be received on 20th July 2012 on the latest. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

WIT International Student Scholarship 2012 for Graduate and Postgraduate in Ireland

Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) is one of the largest institutes of technology in Ireland. WIT is a university-level institution in the South-East of Ireland and this year offer scholarship for International students. The International Student Scholarship will provide for a reduction in tuition fees of EURO 3,000 for one academic year for Undergraduate programmes and one year Higher Diploma programmes and EURO 3,150 for Postgraduate programmes. The International Student Scholarship is available only to international students who are beginning an undergraduate or postgraduate programme at WIT for the first time

The applicants must meet all of the following criteria:
  • intend to enroll on one of the following programmes:
  1. For Undergraduate - Any 3 or 4 years degree programme. (Scholarship available for entry into all years of Bachelor programmes except final year). Higher Diploma programmes
  2.  For Postgraduate - One year taught master programmes
  • this is your first undergraduate, higher diploma or postgraduate enrollment at WIT in Ireland
  • have an average result 75% in previous examinations
  • have a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent
  • The scholarships are open to international students only (Non-EU).
How to Apply
Applications must be made on the prescribed form and submitted to the International office. For online application please click here.

The applications must be submitted on or before 31 May 2012.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Panasonic Scholarship 2012 for Indonesian Students, Japan

The Panasonic Scholarship Program was established in 1998 in commemoration of the company’s 80th anniversary as a way for the company to express its appreciation to society. Its aim is to provide scholarship opportunities to privately financed students from Asian countries who wish to pursue a master’s course in Japan, to offer financial assistance to foster highly educated experts who can contribute to the development of their countries in the 21st century, and to promote mutual friendship between their home countries and Japan.

A privately financed student from Indonesia, who wishes to pursue a master’s course in Japan should:
  1. citizens of Indonesia
  2. graduates or pending graduates of universities and have a distinguished academic record and must have completed 16 years of school education or have been accepted as eligible for enrollment at the targeted graduate schools. However, applicants must have completed their bachelor degrees no more than 4 years prior to the date of their arrival in Japan. (with age less than 26 years old in March 2013).
  3. major in any one of the science and technology disciplines. (Mathematics, Natural Science, Engineering, Bio-technology, Agricultural, and IT (Information Technology)
    Note: This excludes medical science, pharmacology and dentistry
  4. have adequate proficiency and knowledge in the Japanese language not only for studying at master’s level but also for understanding Japanese culture.
  5. be medically fit and must be strongly motivated to study in Japan. 
  6. interested in and have the desire to contribute to the development of Indonesia and to promote friendship between Indonesia and Japan. .
  7. obtain a study visa and arrive in Japan by end of March 2013 to attend the award ceremony to be held at Panasonic Headquarters at the beginning of April 2013.
  8. Applicants who are receiving or will receive other scholarships including Japanese Government Scholarships are not eligible for the Panasonic Scholarship.
  9. Applicants who are already enrolled at graduate schools in Japan at the time of application are not eligible for the Panasonic Scholarship.

Number of students to be accepted
From all applicants, in preliminary stage (phase I) it will be only top 100 candidates enter to next stage. In phase II, there will be only 12 best candidates as finalist. In final stage, through interview, group discussion and other process, the 3 most qualified finalist will be selected to be Panasonic Scholarship Nominees.

Application Prosedure
Indonesia Panasonic Office will select Panasonic Scholarship candidates in three phases:
    All candidates must apply through (and only by) electronics application (e-Application). This first selection will seek a record of the applicants overall data including: biographical information, academic records (GPA), language capabilities, and readiness to enroll master degree program in Japan. The selected semifinalists will be announced in MARCH 22th 2012 via e-mail and website.

    Semifinalists will be notified and receive an official application form (item 1 to 5 as mentioned below) through login and download from Panasonic Scholarship Indonesia website, and must submit it by mail with deadline on APRIL 30th, 2012.

    Documents to be submitted in Phase II :
    1. Application form (prescribed form No.1)
    2. A letter of recommendation from the dean of the university the applicants graduated from (prescribed form No.2)
    3. Study and research plan in Japan (prescribed form No.3)
    4. Original university transcript (or legalized), photocopy only without legalized unacceptable.
    5. A certified copy of the applicant’s degree

    On June 11th – 12th, 2012 [tentative] all finalists will be invited to attend the Final Selection Stage for interview by the Committee.

Requirements for Panasonic Scholarship Student (Nominated)
1. Enrollment in Graduate School and Duration of Research 
    List of the universities in Japan can be seen here.
2. Japanese Language Proficiency Test
    Panasonic Scholarship students (incl. nominated students) are required to obtain a level N4 or above for Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) conducted in Indonesia at the beginning of December 2012.

The applicants should submit the e-Application at the latest on MARCH 17th, 2012

Visit the official website

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tips: Memenangkan Beasiswa

Beasiswa ke luar negeri kini menjadi incaran. Terlebih lagi, kesempatan untuk memenangkannya semakin terbuka lebar. Berbagai lembaga donor menyediakan banyak kesempatan studi ke luar negeri bagi mereka yang memang ingin memperjuangkannya. Namun, kompetisi pun semakin ketat. Tak bisa hanya sebatas berjuang tanpa mempersiapkan strategi atau jurus jitu untuk memenangkannya. Nah, tips-tips di bawah ini mungkin bisa membantu Anda untuk memenangkan satu dari sekian banyak beasiswa yang patut dicoba.

1. Jangan menunda!
Luangkan waktu untuk mencari tahu peluang beasiswa bagi mahasiswa. Banyak kesempatan untuk studi selama beberapa tahun yang dibuka bagi pelajar atau mahasiswa untuk beberapa tujuan tertentu. Melakukannya di awal waktu akan lebih baik. Jangan lupa, perhatikan pula nilai IPK Anda karena ada beberapa beasiswa yang mensyaratkan ini.

2. Persempit pencarian
Jika Anda sudah memiliki pilihan akan menentukan studi di negara mana, maka Anda dapat mempersempit pencarian dengan mencari beasiswa yang spesifik dalam memberikan kesempatan bagi kandidat untuk studi di negara tersebut. Biasanya akan banyak organisasi yang membiayai beasiswa seperti ini.

3. Pilih beasiswa yang sesuai dengan minat dan keunggulan Anda
Jika Anda unggul dalam bahasa asing, maka kesempatan untuk studi ke luar negeri terbuka lebar untuk Anda. Mempertajam pencarian tidak hanya membantu Anda mengidentifikasi beasiswa yang punya peluang untuk dimenangkan, tetapi juga bisa membantu memenangkan kompetisi tersebut.

4. Konsultasi
Konsultasikan keinginan Anda untuk berkuliah di luar negeri kepada kantor urusan mahasiswa di kampus Anda. Hal tersebut akan memudahkan Anda selanjutnya untuk mendapatkan beasiswa.

5. Jangan membatasi pencarian
Carilah beasiswa yang tidak terbatas pada program-program belajar di luar negeri saja. Banyak kesempatan dalam bentuk studi-kerja, beasiswa, dan pembiayaan. Memang hal ini akan membutuhkan investigasi. Akan tetapi, dengan sedikit melakukan pencarian lebih keras, Anda akan lebih memperbesar peluang studi ke luar negeri.

6. Bagaimana jika gagal?
Jika semua usaha tersebut gagal, maka cobalah mencari tahu mengenai program bekerja di luar negeri. Bagi mahasiswa yang sudah lulus atau belum lulus, maka biasanya banyak informasi mengenai hal ini. Program tersebut bisa menghubungkan Anda dengan organisasi yang memberikan kesempatan pendidikan dengan mensyaratkan Anda untuk mengajarkan bahasa Inggris di suatu negara. Mendapatkan kesempatan studi di luar negeri memang menjadi cara umum bagi mahasiswa untuk bepergian ke luar negeri. Namun, itu bukan satu-satunya jalan. Pilihlah yang terbaik bagi Anda dan situasi keuangan Anda.

(sumber : )

Friday, February 17, 2012

Curtin International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (CIPRS), Australia

The CIPRS is available to any international student wishing to commence a Higher Degree by Research at Curtin for the first time in 2013.The CIPRS provides: Course tuition fee for two years for a Master’s (by Research) and a maximum of three and a half years for a Doctoral degree; and a living allowance with a minimum value of $22,860 per annum (2011 value).

The award is open to citizens of an overseas country (excluding New Zealand). Scholarships will be awarded on academic merit and research capacity to suitably qualified overseas graduates eligible to commence a higher degree by research in 2013*.

Please refer to the Guidelines for Higher Degree by Research Candidates for information on entry requirements at

Students who have commenced the degree for which the scholarship is being sought are ineligible to apply.

Opening Date:  
1 June, 2012

Closing Date
31 August, 2012

All Faculties

Scholarship Type: Merit Based

Year of Study: Postgraduate

For further information please contact :
Office of Research & Development
Curtin University
GPO Box U1987

Telephone: +61 8 9266 4906
Fax: +61 8 9266 3793

Thursday, February 16, 2012

York University Scholarships 2012 For Undergraduate,Canada

The University of York offers Global Leader of Tomorrow Scholarships and International Entrance Scholarships for international students who would like to take a full-time undergraduate degree at University of York. There are a number of scholarships and bursaries available from York for international students.

The applicants must:
  1. Apply for September entry
  2. Have an excellent academic record ("A" average or equivalent)
  3. An international student with a Study Permit for Canada
  4. Apply to the first year of a full-time undergraduate degree program in one of the offered faculties

Study Subjects
  • Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
  • Environmental Studies
  • Fine Arts
  • Glendon
  • Health
  • Science & Engineering
  • Schulich School of Business
How to Apply
The applicants should submit online application. Click here for application form (PDF).

15 March 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Malaysian International Scholarship (MIS) for Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Students, Malaysia

The Malaysian International (MIS) is an initiative by the Malaysian Government to attract the best brain from around the world to pursue advanced academic studies in Malaysia. This scholarship aims to support Malaysian Government's effort to attract, motivate and retain talented human capital from abroad. Talented international students with excellent academic records and outstanding co-curricular backgrounds are welcomed to apply for this scholarship and further their studies in any selected and well-established Malaysian public and private universities. This scholarship is divided into two (2) categories of study: Postgraduate and Post-doctoral Studies

Applicants must fit the following criteria:
  1. Not be more than 45 years of age during application.
  2. Obtained a minimum of Second Class Upper (Honours) or a CGPA of 3.5/4.0  (Bachelor Degree Level) for Masters Degree applicants and for PhD candidates must possess CGPA 3.5/4.0 or very good result at Masters degree level in a similar field of intended PhD study. 
  3. Took one of the following English Language Proficiency Test not more than two years before the date of application. The list of tests and minimum scores required: IELTS Academic Test ( at least 6.5); TOEFL paper-based test (score of at least 580) or computer-based test (at least 230) or internet-based test (at least 92).
  4. In excellent health condition and certified by a Certified Doctor/Medical Professional. The cost of medical examination is to be borne by the applicants
  5. Wrote a proposal that is relevant to the needs and interests of Malaysia (research-based programme only)
  6. Has applied for and gained admission to postgraduate and post-doctoral studies in Malaysia (conditional letters of offer will be accepted at the time of application or has a confirmation of acceptance or affiliation with the universities in Malaysia).
Each scholarship consists of:
  • Air tickets from recipient’s capital city to Malaysia
  • An approved tuition fees
  • Monthly maintenance allowance
  • Annual grant for books and internal travel
  • Medical / Health Insurance
  • Installation and Termination grant

Field of studies are in the following priority areas:
  • Science and Engineering
  • Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Economics and Islamic Finance
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Biotechnology
  • Biosecurity and Food Safety
  • Infrastructure and Utility
  • Environmental Studies
  • Health excluding nursing, medicine, clinical pharmacy
 * Applicants may choose any related course within the field/areas mentioned above

All applications should be made ONLINE through Ministry of Higher Education’s website at from 16th January 2012 until 30th April 2012.        

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia

The ASEAN Scholarships aim to provide opportunities to the young people of ASEAN to develop their potential and equip them with skills that will enable them to confidently step into the new millennium. Students from Indonesia are welcome to apply for the ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia to enter Singapore schools at the Secondary Three level. The ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia is tenable for 4 years leading to the award of the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced (GCE A) Level (or equivalent) certificate. Candidates who are not short-listed for the scholarships will be considered for the Merit Awards.

Students who meet the following criteria are invited to apply for the scholarship:
  1. Nationals of Indonesia
  2. Born between 1996-1998
  3. Sat for 2012 SMP 3 National Final Evaluation Examination (UAN) and have done consistently well in school.

Application Period:
Application period is between June-July 2012 (date can be changed). Candidates short-listed for the selection test/interview will be notified a week before the selection test/interview dates.
Test & Interview will be held in the following cities:
  • Jakarta
  • Medan
  • Surabaya
  • Singapore

Further information please click here

Sunday, February 12, 2012

ICCR Scholarships for Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Ph.D 2012/2013, India

The Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) under its General Cultural Scholarships Scheme (GCSS) awards, through the Government of India, every year, 20 scholarship slots to meritorious students from Indonesia to pursue their higher studies in Indian universities and colleges. The scholarships are granted for studies at Undergraduate & Post-graduate levels and in research subjects under M.Phil. and Ph.D. Scholarships are not provided for medicine (MBBS), dentistry (BDS), nursing & other courses related to medicine. Under the Scheme, Living Allowance, Contingent Grant, accommodation charges, Tuition Fee and other benefits, including medical and study tour to the students selected for scholarships are provided. 

Eligibility Criteria:
  • Indonesian national who usually and currently resident in Indonesia, have no permanent status for any other country
  • Minimum 18 years at age
  • Currently neither hold nor availed of a scholarship from ICCR under GCSS
  • Be able to take up the scholarship in the year in which it is offer (2012)
  • Apply to commence a new course of study at a level higher than your current qualification
  • Must have very good English language skills

Requirements :
Here below are mandatory requirement as a summary. Detail information please refer to Application form (PDF)
  1. A record of high level academic achievement of the last qualifying examination at school or university
  2. Syllabus of the last qualifying examination
  3. Certified/sworn copies of all documents such as marks sheet, etc in English translation
  4. Synopsis of the proposed area of research (for doctoral/post doctoral course or architecture)
  5. Certificate of Physical Fitness
  6. Medical certificate attesting that the candidate is free from AIDS
  7. Curriculum Vitae 
  8. Certificate English language course / TOEFL score minimum 500
  9. Recommendation letter from former School/University/Office

 Deadlines :
Applications need to be submitted to the Embassy of India in Jakarta only and not direct to ICCR or the concerned University on 17 February 2012 at the latest.

Further information please click here (PDF) or visit the official website.


Pemerintah Federasi Rusia menawarkan beasiswa kepada mahasiswa Indonesia setiap tahunnya. Beasiswa yang ditawarkan meliputi jenjang S1, S2, dan S3. Penerima beasiswa akan mendapatkan gratis biaya pendidikan selama 5 tahun (S-1), dan 3 tahun (S-2 dan S-3), serta uang saku tiap bulannya. Pendaftar boleh memilih program studi yang dikehendaki, namun penempatan kota dan universitas ditentukan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Federasi Rusia.

  • S1 : nilai rata-rata 80% untuk mata pelajaran yang sesuai program studi tujuan; nilai minimal 60% untuk mata pelajaran lain; tidak lebih dari 3 tahun setelah tamat SMA; melengkapi berkas-berkas yang diperlukan.
  •  S2 : IPK minimal 2,75; tidak lebih dari 3 tahun setelah tamat S1; melengkapi berkas-berkas yang diperlukan.
  •  S3 : IPK minimal 3,00; usia maksimal 35 tahun; membuat proposal maksimal 2 halaman tentang tema penelitian ilmiah (dalam Bahasa Indonesia, yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris dan Rusia); menyertakan rekomendasi 2 profesor; diharapkan memiliki pengalaman kerja sesuai spesialisasi; melengkapi berkas-berkas yang diperlukan.
  •  Berkas-berkas yang dibutuhkan selengkapnya dapat dilihat disini.

Berkas aplikasi hdapat diantar langsung atau melalui pos dan harus sudah diterima oleh Pusat Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Kebudayaan Rusia selambat-lambatnya pada 18 Maret 2012. 

Informasi selengkapnya silahkan klik disini.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tips: Persiapan Kuliah di Luar Negeri

Kuliah di luar negeri memberikan tantangan tersendiri bagi para pembelajar. Hal yang paling utama harus dilakukan saat kuliah di luar negeri adalah kemampuan untuk bisa beradaptasi dengan suasana yang baru. Ada baiknya kita mengetahui informasi terkait agar sukses ketika menjalani perkuliahan nantinya. Tentu ini bukanlah hal mudah untuk dapat menyesuaikan diri secara cepat. Oleh karena itu, berbagai persiapan perlu bahkan penting untuk dilakukan. Berikut ini beberapa persiapan yang dapat dilakukan, diantaranya:

1. Konsultasi dengan Perwakilan Lembaga Pendidikan Asing  
    Melalui konsultasi dengan perwakilan lembaga pendidikan, maka akan diperoleh informasi mengenai langkah-langkah yang harus ditempuh untuk memulai perburuan studi ke luar negeri. Umumnya, calon mahasiswa terlebih dahulu mempersiapkan sejumlah berkas yang diperlukan, seperti ijazah, transkrip, paspor, akta kelahiran, dan semua berkas yang mungkin diminta oleh perguruan tinggi yang dituju, atau oleh pihak kedutaan saat mengajukan permohonan visa. Dengan melihat kepada persyaratan yang diminta oleh perguruan tinggi, calon mahasiswa sebaiknya segera melengkapi diri dengan sejumlah ujian yang berlaku secara internasional seperti TOEFL/IELTS, GMAT (untuk bidang manajemen), dan GRE (untuk bidang sains).

2. Pelajari Universitas yang Dituju
   Untuk lebih mematangkan persiapan studi, cari informasi sedalam-dalamnya mengenai universitas yang dituju. Mulai dari jurusan yang dipilih, para dosen, bahkan para alumni universitas tersebut. Jangan lupa untuk memahami jadwal studi (sylabus) jurusan yang diminati agar tahu mata kuliah apa saja yang akan dipelajari nantinya.

3. Lebih Aktif
   Terdapat perbedaan sistem pendidikan antara luar negeri dan Indonesia. Kita terbiasa dengan sistem dimana pengajar lebih aktif dalam proses belajar-mengajar. Para siswa lebih banyak mendengar atau hanya berpartisipasi secara pasif. Lain halnya di negara maju, dimana keaktifan mahasiswa sangat dituntut. Sehingga perlu mempersiapkan diri terhadap kondisi tersebut dan  memotivasi diri sendiri (self motivated) dalam belajar.  

4. Pengurusan Izin Tinggal di Luar Negeri
   Memulai kehidupan di luar negeri biasanya diperlukan untuk mengurus sendiri izin tinggal di kepolisian, membayar tuition fee, menguangkan traveller cheque, membuka rekening bank, mencari tempat tinggal tetap, dan menemui calon pembimbing.

5. Adaptasi Kemungkinan Shock Culture
  Perbedaan kebudayaan sering menjadi kendala. Kebudayaan timur sangat berbeda sekali dengan kebudayaan barat. Misalnya dalam hal adat istiadat sehari-hari.Untuk itu perlu dipahami budaya setempat negara yang akan dituju, agar tidak salah kaprah dalam bertindak.

6. Adaptasi Keadaan Iklim Ekstrim
   Jika berstudi di negara yang memiliki empat musim sudah seharusnya menyiapkan persiapan kebutuhan yang diperlukan pada saat musim-musim yang bersuhu ekstrim. Terdapat kemungkinan converter suhu yang digunakan bukanlah celcius seperti di negara Amerika Serikat yang menggunakan fahrenheit. 

7. Cermat Mengatur Pengeluaran dan Pemasukan
   Jika bersekolah di luar negeri dengan full scholarship, terkadang tidak perlu pusing perihal soal keuangan. Tetapi  tetap saja diperlukan manajemen keuangan yang baik dalam hal pemasukan dan pengeluaran. Rencana matang perlu diatur sebaik mungkin agar tidak defisit nantinya. Jika memungkinkan, magang atau melaksanakan part time dapat menambah kebutuhan keuangan yang diperlukan.

8. Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bahasa Asing
   Calon mahasiswa harus meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa yang sesuai  dengan pengantar perkuliahan nantinya. Kursus intensif, atau bergabung dengan sejumlah klub bahasa merupakan langkah yang dapat ditempuh untuk memperbaiki kemampuan bahasa.

9. Mempelajari Bahasa Setempat
   Beberapa negara ada yang menggunakan bahasa nasional yang mungkin berbeda dengan bahasa pengantar perkuliahan nantinya, misalnya bahasa inggris. Untuk antisipasi ada baiknya mempelajari bahasa nasional negara tersebut untuk mempermudah komunikasi sehari-hari di masyarakat. Bukan tidak mungkin masyarakat tidak menguasai bahasa inggris. Orang akan lebih respek jika kita berbicara dengan bahasa setempat.

10. Belajar Mandiri dan Manajemen Waktu
    Kemandirian perlu dipersiapkan sejak awal. Kuliah di luar negeri apalagi jauh dari keluarga dan kerabat, tentu mengharuskan kita untuk melakukan semua hal sendiri. Pekerjaan rutin sehari-hari misalnya saja mulai dari memasak, mencuci, membeli kebutuhan sehari-hari, dan hal lainnya. Ini tentu menyita waktu, sehingga manajemen waktu sangat diperlukan agar tidak terganggu dengan jadwal belajar.

(dari berbagai sumber)

Friday, February 10, 2012

China/AUN Scholarship for ASEAN Citizens-2012,China

China/AUN Scholarship is a full scholarship program provided for ASEAN member countries by the Ministry of Education of P. R. China (hereinafter referred to as MOE). MOE entrusts China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC) to manage the recruitment and carry out the routine management of this scholarship program. 

Categories of Applicants
Duration of Scholarship
Master’s Degree Students
2-3 academic years
Doctoral Degree Students
3-4 academic years

1. The instruction language could be either Chinese or English. Applicants who apply for courses instructed in Chinese are required to take one-year Chinese language course prior to the academic study if their Chinese is not qualified. Only by passing the examinations of the Chinese language course, could they start their major studies. For those taking the Chinese language preparatory courses, the scholarship duration will be extended automatically for one year.
2. Scholarship students should complete their study within the due time; duration for scholarship specified at the time of admission cannot be extended in principle.

Applicants shall apply to the ASEAN University Network Secretariat between January and the beginning of April, 2012.

1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens  from ASEAN member countries and be in good health.
2. Education background and age limit:
- Applicants for master’s degree studies must have bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35.
- Applicants for doctoral degree studies must have master’s degree and be under the age of 40.

- Exempt from registration fee, tuition fee, fee for laboratory experiment, fee for internship, and fee for basic learning materials, and accommodation fee for dormitory on campus;
- Living allowance;
- One-off settlement subsidy after registration for new student;
- Fee for outpatient medical service, Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Protection Scheme for International Students in China;
- One-off inter-city travel subsidy.

1) Costs of the laboratory experiment or internship beyond the university’s arrangements should be self-afforded.   
2) Fee for basic learning materials only covers the necessary learning materials prescribed by the host institution, and other textbooks and materials shall be self-afforded.
3) Monthly living allowance is granted to the students through the host institution at the following rates (CNY Yuan per month):
- Master’s degree students: CNY 1,700 Yuan
- Doctoral degree students: CNY 2,000 Yuan

Scholarship students shall get their monthly living allowance after registration. New students who register before 15th (15th included) of the registration month will get the full amount of the living allowance of that month, and those who register after 15th will get half amount. Students upon graduation will get a living allowance for another 15 days after the graduation date set by the university. The allowance will be terminated from the next month after students suspend their studies, drop school or complete schooling from the university. Monthly living allowance covers school holidays. Scholarship students who missed the monthly living allowance during holidays could be reimbursed upon return on campus. The allowance will be suspended for at least one month for those students who do not register on time without permission from the university, leave for non-health reasons or are absent from university over a month.
Students who have to suspend their studies for pregnancy or for health reasons are required to go back to their home countries for labor or for treatment. The international travel expenses should be covered by the students themselves. With the university’s approval, the scholarship status can be reserved for up to one year, and their living allowances will be suspended during their leave. The scholarship status will not be reserved for those who suspend their studies for other reasons.

4) New students will get a one-off settlement subsidy upon their arrival in China.
- CNY 1,500 Yuan for new students who will study in China for one academic year and above
5) Fee for outpatient medical service refers to the outpatient expense in the institution’s hospital or the hospitals appointed by the institution. The students are to cover a certain percentage of expense in accordance with the institution’s relevant regulations.
6) Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Protection Scheme for International Students in China is provided by MOE for the scholarship students in China in case of hospitalizing for serious diseases and accidental injuries. The institutions or the appointed medical assistance agencies provide advancement service for insurance expenses, and claim for compensation with relevant payment receipts from the insurance company according to the stipulated insurance articles. For scholarship students, the individual claim will not be accepted by the insurance company.
7) One-off inter-city travel subsidy (each for coming-in and leaving China)

A hard-seat train ticket (hard-berth train ticket for overnight trip) will be provided for scholarship students traveling.
From the port of entry upon registration to the city where the admitting institution or Chinese language training institution or preparatory education institution is located;
From the Chinese language training institution or the preparatory education institution to the city where the university for major study is located;
From the city where the institution is located to the nearest port for departure upon graduation.
Meal and excess of baggage should be self-afforded.
In principle, the port of entry is Beijing, or a port of entry near where the university is located.
8) International travel expenses: self-afforded

The applicants must fill in and provide the following documents truly, correctly and completely (in duplicate).
1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (filled in Chinese or in English)
Applicants shall fill in and print the application form after submitting it online.
The CSC Online Application System for Study in China is available on
Those who cannot apply online shall fill in the application form printed by CSC.
2. Highest diploma (notarized photocopy): Applicants shall also provide proof of studying on application. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.
3. Academic transcripts (notarized photocopy): Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.
4. A study or research plan written in Chinese or English (no less than 400 words).
5. Recommendation letters: Applicants for senior scholars must submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors.
6. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (the original copy should be kept by the applicant. The form printed by Chinese quarantine authority could be downloaded from The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take medical examination as it is valid for only 6 months.
The above documents should be forwarded to CSC by April 30th 2012 via the ASEAN University Network Secretariat. Individual applications are not accepted by CSC. Application documents will not be returned. 

Applicants may choose one academic program and three institutions as their preferences from the Chinese HEIs designated by MOE. Please check the Directory of Chinese Higher Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Program. Applicants are required to fill in their preferences of institutions and specialties strictly according to those listed in the Directory.

1. CSC will assess all the application documents and CSC reserves the right to make necessary adjustments on the proposed institutions.
2. Applicants are required to enclose the admission notice from Chinese HEIs, if they have, in the documents submitted to CSC.
3. Students are required to sign on their Admission Notice, if they have no objection with the placement, and are not permitted, in principle, to change their specialties, institutions or the duration of study specified in the Admission Notice.
4. CSC will send the Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201) to the candidates via ASEAN University Network Secretariat by July 31st, 2012.

After receiving the Admission Notice, students should apply for visa to study in China at the Chinese embassy or consulate-general in their home countries with the Admission Notice, Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201) and Foreigner Physical Examination Form (can be downloaded from The students are required to register in Chinese universities with the original copies of the above documents.

Ms. Raksit Waropas
ASEAN University Network Secretariat
Tel: 00662-2153640, 2153642, 2153248 ext 0
Fax: 00662-2168808
Address: Rm.210, Jamjuree 1 Bld, Chulalongkorn University, Phayathai Rd., Patumwan, Thailand